1.Talk Travel,Not Movies
Ina study by Richard Wiseman, less than 9% ofcouples that talked movies wanted a second date vs 18% of couplesthat talked about travel。
When talkingabout movies, less than 9 percent of the pairs wanted to meet upagain, compared to 18 percent when participants spoke about the toptopic—travel… theconversations about travel tended to revolve around great holidaysand dream destinations, and that makes people feel good and soappear more attractive to one another。
2.It’sNot Just What You Talk About, It’s How YouTalk
Add to what theysay and bounce the ball back.This is how to have smooth first dateconversation。
Avoid extremes inautonomy. Don’t dominate, butdon’t be a non-contributor either。
Emotional,personal information exchange during first date conversationpromotes powerful feelings of connection。
A psychologist atthe State University of New York at Stony Brook, is interested inhow people form romantic relationships, and he’s come up withan ingenious way of taking men and women who havenever met before and making them feel close to one another. Giventhat he has just an hour or so to create the intimacy levels thattypically take weeks, months, or years to form, he accelerated thegetting-to-know-you process through a set of thirty-six questionscrafted to take the participants rapidly from level one inMcAdams’s system to level two。
But how effectivecan this be, really?
In under an hourit can create a connection stronger than a lifelongfriendship。
What he found wasstriking. The intensity of the dialogue partners’ bond at the end ofthe forty-five-minute vulnerability interaction was rated as closerthan the closest relationship in the lives of 30 percent of similarstudents. In other words, the instant connectionswere more powerful than many long-term, even lifelongrelationships。
4.ChooseControversial Over Dull Every Time
If all elsefails, talk about abortions and STD’s。
Forcing people todiscuss interesting but more controversial topics made for moreenjoyable first date conversation。
We limited thetype of discussions that online daters could engage in byeliminating their ability to ask anything that they wanted andgiving them a preset list of questions andallowingthem to ask only thesequestions. The questions we chose had nothing to do with theweather and how many brothers and sisters they have, and insteadall the questions were interesting and personally revealing(ie.,“how many romantic partners did you have?”, “When was yourlast breakup?”, “Do you have any STDs?”, “Have you ever brokensomeone’s heart?”, “How do you feel about abortion?”)… Instead oftalking about the World Cup or their favorite desserts, they sharedtheir innermost fears or told the story of losing their virginity.Everyone, both sender and replier, was happier with theinteraction…What we learned from this little experiment is thatwhen people are free to choose what type of discussions they wantto have, they often gravitate toward an equilibrium that is easy tomaintain but one that no one really enjoys or benefitsfrom。我们对网上交友者所讨论的话题限定类型,不允许想问什么就问什么,把可以问的问题给他们列出一个表,只允许他们问这些问题。我们选择的问题与天气无关,也不问有多少兄弟姐妹,所有的问题都很有意思,而且都能从问题的回答中看出每个人的个性(如,“你谈过多少次恋爱?”“你上一次分手是什么时候?”“你有性病吗?”“你伤过别人的心吗?”“你对堕胎这个问题怎么看?”)…不谈论世界杯或自己喜欢的甜点,分享彼此内心深处的恐惧或者告诉对方自己失身的秘密。每个人既要向对方讲述自己的故事也要倾听对方的倾诉,进行快乐互动…我们从这个小实验中可以了解到大家自由选择自己想要讨论什么话题,他们往往倾向平衡易于维护,但不会从中体验到真正的愉悦感受或从中受益。
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