Most people don't naturally think they reject love. By learning what behaviors we engage in that push away our partner, we can really start to change these behaviors and shift the dynamics of our relationship.
1. Withholding
As people get closer to each other in relationship, their fears of intimacy can start to turn them against themselves, and in order to create distance, they start to withhold the qualities their partner valued most.
2. Shutting down
Our defenses can lead us to become inward or act cold, finding millions of excuses not to interact with someone we love. We stop engaging in loving acts and we may even outright reject our partner by avoiding spending time together.
我们对人设防会导致自己变得封闭内向,表现得冷漠,找出数百种理由不和我们所爱的人交流。我们不再示爱,甚至拒绝我们的伴侣, 避免与之共度时光。
3. Becoming overly critical
The more extreme side is starting to actually pick at our partner. We start to have an unfavorable picture of our partner and our relationship. We start to see our relationship as more of a mathematical problem.
4. Putting form over substance
So many couples say they are in love but proceed to treat each other with a disregard or disrespect. We should make our actions match our words and keep engaging in acts that our partner would perceive as loving.
5. Picking fights
All couples will face conflicts and difficult issues to resolve, as any two people with two sovereign minds will. However, there are times when we start to nag or provoke our partner more frequently or out of the blue. These actions serve no other purpose than to actually push our partner away.
We can take an open stance and find the root causes of our fears or resistance to intimacy. Ultimately,we can be persistent in our effort to make love a priority and to keep it alive and well in our lives.