To have your heart in the right place 这个短语的书面意思是“心在正确的地方”,实际上它常用来描述一个心地善良的人处于好意去帮助别人,但可能因为帮了倒忙而使他人不高兴或不领情。
My mum always tidies up my house when she comes to visit. I know her heart is in the right place but I really don’t like it when she takes over my life like that. She even dusts the plants!
I know the boss’s heart is in the right place by not firing Mike. But really, Mike is so unreliable and bad at his job that it’s creating a lot more work for the rest of us.
当我们请求某人行行好或替他人着想的时候,我们则可以说 have a heart。 另一个表达 have no heart 的意思则是无情的,没良心的。
Have a heart, you can’t break up with him on his birthday.
This company’s got no heart. They sacked him for being five minutes late. He’s got a family to support.