X-Men: Apocalypse
《X战警:天启 》
X-Men: Apocalypse is a sci-fi action film produced by 20th Century Fox Film Corporation of the United States, and directed by Brian Singer. The background of the story is in 1980, it is a story of the ancient powerful mutant Apocalypse, who are going to clean up the human society and rule the new world, thus mystique wants to be the leader of the young people who has became deformed, and defeat the enemy with the help of Professor X.
《X战警:天启》是由美国二十世纪福斯电影公司出品的科幻动作片,由布莱恩?辛格执导. 该片故事以1980年为背景,故事关于古老强大的变种人天启,他要清理人类社会,统治新世界,而魔形女将成年轻变种人们的领袖,要在X教授帮助下打败敌人。

Alice Through the Looking Glass
Original cast members in Alice Through the Looking Glass who are top stars of Hollywood returns: The Cheshire Cat (Johnny Depp), Alice(Mia Wasikowska), The White Queen(Anne Hathaway), The Red Queen(Helena Bonham Carter) A fantasy adventure across time and space to save the Wonderland is going to start!

A Bigger Splash
BBC Culture critic Nicholas Barber claims that “A Bigger Splash is an erotic drama which becomes an edgy thriller, but it’s always scenic, sun-baked, and hilarious: Fiennes’s wild dance moves are worth the ticket price.”

Love & Friendship
It’s not typical costume drama: “Finally, a Jane Austen movie that's fresh and deliciously rotten at the same time,” says Time Out. It’s even been praised as “the most refreshing take on Austen’s work ever put on screen”.

Money Monster
According to The New York Times, it’s both “a parable of income inequality and a rigged economy” and “a meditation on failure: how keenly people fear it, what they do when confronted with it”.

The Nice Guys
Set in 1970s LA, The Nice Guys features the unlikely pairing of Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling as a hired leg-breaker and a private eye forced to work together on a case.
故事发生在20世纪70年代的洛杉矶,《好好侦探》讲述了不可能合拍的雇佣拳击手Russell Crowe和私人侦探Ryan Gosling被迫一起工作的故事。

Florence Foster Jenkins
Stephen Frears (The Queen, Philomena) brings his gentle humor to this tale of a New York heiress who wants to be an opera singer – despite being tone deaf.

Sing Street
Dubliner John Carney wrote and directed the film, a musical romance made on a tiny budget that went on to win an Oscar for Best Song and spawned a hit Broadway musical.

The release of this behind-the-scenes documentary – which premiered at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival – is said to be particularly bad timing for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.
(英文部分来源于BBC News;编译:Sophia)