They are the brands and products we use everyday, but are you certain you know how to pronounce their names right?
Made By Oomph! has created an infographic listing the common mispronunciations of brands including Nike, Nutella and even IKEA.From cars and food, to fashion and beer - it seems there are certain names we can't seem to say right.
Made By Oomph!制作了一张信息图表列出了包括耐克,能多益,甚至是宜家等在内的平常容易读错的品牌名字。从车到食物,到时尚品牌和啤酒,似乎都有我们读不准的牌子。

Though it's the place most Brits head to for bargain furniture, Swedish brand Ikea, commonly pronounced 'eye-key-ah' should actually be referred to as: 'ih-key-yah.'
Nutella, which has long been Britain's favourite hazelnut chocolate spread, is officially pronounced 'new-tell-uh' - not 'nuh-tell-uh' as many UK fans use.
Similarly sporting brand Nike has caused much debate about the pronunciation of its name, taken from the Greek goddess of victory.
The name is pronounced 'ni-key' not 'nyke' as it is commonly known.

Adidas, another sports brand, is pronounced 'a-DEE-das' with the emphasis on the second syllable, not 'AH-dee-das', which is common in the UK.
Car brands can also prove tricky to pronounce. German automobile manufacturer Porsche is pronounced 'por-sha', not 'porsh', and South Korean car company Hyundai should be said 'hun-day', not 'hi-yun-dai.'

车的名字的读法也会很绕人。德国汽车制造商保时捷的读音应该是'por-sha',而不是'porsh',韩国的汽车公司现代也应该被读为'hun-day', 而不是'hi-yun-dai'。
Miu Miu, an Italian high fashion line named after designer Miuccia Prada, is correctly pronounced 'mew-mew'
Fashion brands can also cause people to trip over their words. French maker of high-end luxury goods Hermes, which traditionally specialised in leather, is sometimes pronounced 'her-meez', like the Greek god of war
However, fashionistas know the brand should actually be referred to as 'air-mez'.
Another faux pas is referring to French brand Givenchy as 'ga-vin-chee'. Those wanting to master this pronunciation need to affect a slight French accent and say: 'zhee-von-she'. Favourtie of the Kardashians, Balmain is pronounced 'bal-ma' and Balenciaga has a soft 'C' - pronounced 'bah-len-see-ah-gah.'
Italian brand Bulgari, known for its jewellery, watches and fragrance is also commonly referred to as 'bul-gar-ree', which is incorrect. It should in fact be pronounced: 'bul-guh-ree'.