The US President Barack Obama’s official car, Nicknamed ‘The Beast’ , the car is designed with one sole purpose of protecting the president from terror attacks while also keeping him in touch with his administration.
美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的官方车:绰号“野兽”。汽车设计的唯一目的,即让他和行政机构保持联系的同时,保护其不受恐怖袭击。
The car is 18 feet in length, 5 feet 10 inches tall and all the armour that goes into it makes it a weighty affair and hence it weighs 8 tonnes. The car is impenetrable by bullets or bombs and is home to a lot more than anyone could imagine.

Governments, heads of state and royalty all over the world have always appreciated and admire cars that Mercedes-Benz has created for them and the S600 Pullman is a perfect example. Russian President Vladimir Putin chose this luxury limousine that not only provides all the communications and entertainment equipment they need but also has enough and more space for discreet meetings on the go.
政府、国家元首和世界各地皇室一直赞赏和钦佩梅赛德斯-奔驰(mercedes - benz)为他们创造的汽车,S600铂尔曼就是一个完美的例子。俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)选择的这款豪华轿车——不仅提供了所需的所有通信和娱乐设备,也有足够空间进行移动的秘密会谈。
Talking about security, the S 600 Guard Pullman is equivalent to resistance level B6/B7, as tested and certified by state-approved organisations. Its armour resists military-standard small-arms projectiles and provides protection against fragments from hand grenades and other explosive devices. Additional safety features include run-flat tyres, a self-sealing fuel tank and a fire-extinguishing system.
说到安全性,S 600守卫者铂尔曼相当于B6/B7的阻力区,通过了国家认可机构的测试和证明。其装甲可抗拒军用标准小型炮弹,并提供对碎片手榴弹和其他爆炸装置的防护。额外的安全功能包括防滑轮胎,自动封口油箱和灭火系统。

The king of Tonga uses a 1949 Humber Pullman Landaulet, which is suitably diplomatic. His predecessor, King George Tupou V?He used a classic London Taxi. Top man. Another humble leader.

Robert Mugabe has an amazing taste as he has the Rolls Royce as his official car. Born 21 February 1924) is the current President of Zimbabwe, is one of the leaders of the rebel groups against white minority rule, he was elected as Prime minister, head of government, in 1980, and served in that office until 1987, when he became the country’s first executive Head of state.

The exotic Bugatti Veyron is the official vehicle for Turkmenistan – finished in the colours of Turkmenistan – ordered by the country’s president, Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov.

Starting with Nigeria, in terms of presidential cars, there is change indeed. While former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was riding a Mercedes-Benz S 350, his successor,Muhammadu Buhari chose much more expensive and luxurious model – Mercedes-Maybach S600.
从尼日利亚开始,总统的官方用车开始出现了变化。前任总统古德勒克·乔纳森使用的是一辆奔驰S 350,他的继任者穆罕默杜·布哈里选择的是更昂贵和奢侈的奔驰迈巴赫S 600。
This car represents the top notch in the latest sixth generation of luxury Mercedes-Benz special class cars, labelled by company as the W222, while GEJ’s car belongs to the previous fifth generation –the W221

He has been described as “the world’s ‘humblest’ president” due to his austere lifestyle and his donation of around 90 percent of his $12,000 monthly salary to charities that benefit poor people and small entrepreneurs. He used the Volkswagen Beetle.