In the early 1900s, cigarettes were living their golden years – something which millions of lungs regretted. But you can't charge the smoking industry of not being creative. Back in the day, manufactures used to insert stiffening cards into their paper cigarette packs, to make them sturdier and last more; not long after that, companies started printing all sorts of quotes, trivia, artwork, and… life hacks.
Here are some of our favorites:
How to increase lung power
Stand erect on the balls of your feet and with the head held well back. Then inhale deeply until the lungs are fully inflated, gradually exhale, allowing the chest to sink first, followed by the lungs. Repeat exercise several times both morning and evening.

How to extract a splinter
A splinter embedded in the hand is very often painful to extract. A good way to accomplish this is to fill a wide-mouthed bottle with hot water nearly to the brim, and press affected part of hand tightly against mouth of the bottle. The suction will pull down the flesh, and steam will soon draw out the splinter.

How to make a fire extinguisher
Dissolve one pound of salt and half a pound of ammoniac in two quarts of water and bottle the liquor in thin glass bottles holding about a quart each. Should a fire break out, dash one or more of the bottles into the flames and any serious outbreak will probably be averted.
将一磅盐、半磅氨树胶溶解在两夸脱(液量单位,在美国1夸脱等于 0.95 升)水中,然后把液体装入薄玻璃瓶中,每瓶液体约1夸脱。如果突然着火了,将一个或多个瓶子猛掷进火中,这样可能就会避免任何严重火灾爆发。

How to clean bottles
To clean the interior of bottles, a little sand and water should be well shaken inside of them. This will have the effect of cleansing every part, and the bottles can then be washed and dried.

How To Carry a Heavy Jug
The correct way to hold the jug is shown in the right-hand sketch. This prevents the weight from pulling the jug down and so spilling what it contains, as it is likely to happen if carried the other way.

How to remedy loose shoes
A pair of loose shoes can be made to fit comfortably by fixing (with glue) a piece of velvet or velveteen inside the heel. Care must be taken to see that no wrinkles are left in the velvet.

When Boiling Cracked Eggs
To boil cracked eggs as satisfactorily as though they were undamaged, a little vinegar should be added to the water. If this is done, it will be found that none of the contents boil out.

How To Remove a Tight Ring from the Finger
To remove a tight ring from the finger without pain or trouble, the finger should be first well lathered in soap. It will then be found that unless the joints are swollen, the ring can be easily taken off.