Like tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, an addiction to selfie-taking can cause a pain in your primary pic-snapping elbow, a media report said.
Be warned if you are an avid selfie-taker since capturing that perfect selfie can put you at risk of developing “selfie elbow” which is slowly becoming a real medical condition.
When you take the picture, your arm is up, bent in a weird way and you just click, click, click — think about how many you take: 20, 30, or 40. Selfie elbow, everyone has it.
The doctor recommended icing the elbow and certain exercises to help relieve the soreness.
You get selfie elbow from taking too many selfies, as you put too much stress on the muscle and it irritates the area where the muscle comes off the bone and you get this inflammatory response.
The condition can be treated by taking pain relievers like Advil or Motrin for the inflammation and putting on some ice as well as stretching the muscles.
Maybe, people should alternate their arms — start spreading the load.
From gaming and chatting to selfie-taking, texting and tweeting, there has been a significant rise in injuries in teenagers than before.
For those who are dedicated selfie-takers, using a selfie stick can work like an arm extender and takes the pressure off the elbow.