Sitting down all day can lead to a flat butt because muscles are disengaged for so long that they forget how to wake up.
Officially called gluteal amnesia, doctors have seen a rise in the numbers of people who are desk bound for so long that their behinds essentially falls asleep.
In addition to causing harm to the butt, sitting for long amounts of time can lead to other problems including poor posture, pain in the lower back, hips and knees.
Not working the gluteus maximus frequently can also lead to the muscle losing its tone, meaning a flat and flabby backside.
What is sleeping butt syndrome?
Sleeping butt syndrome was coined by Chris Kolba, a physical therapist at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, and refers to a combination of tight hip and weak gluteal muscles in the bottom.
Kolba first recognized the problem when one of his clients came in from knee pain while training for a marathon.
Taking a deeper look at the issue, he found that the knee pain was likely caused by the gluteal muscles not functioning as efficiently as they should.
How does sitting flatten the butt?
Dan Giordano, a New York-based personal trainer of Bespoke Treatments Physical Therapy, has warned that sitting all day will make your bottom flat, flabby, and saggy.
The lack of blood flow and the slouching position that people generally sit in will do harm to muscle, causing it to slowly waste away.
A startling majority of people, 90 percent, sit the wrong way, with the pelvis shifted forward which puts pressure on the spine.
How to combat sleeping butt syndrome
Reversing the effects of sleeping butt syndrome and firming up a saggy posterior is possible but will take some effort.
Working all three parts of the muscle is essential - the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus.
Specific moves that will target the behind specifically include, donkey kicks, squats, deadlifts, lunges, bridges and planks.