
Bananas are a wonderful source of potassium and are the perfect on-the-go snack.
The only downside to the fruit are those irritating leathery strands - which are actually called ’phloem bundles’ - that you get when you peel back a banana skin.
香蕉的唯一缺点是那些烦人的皮革线 - 实际上被称为“韧皮束”,也就是剥香蕉皮的时候拉出来的丝儿。
But while those stringy bits may not be the most palatable, they are in fact very important - and we wouldn’t be able to eat bananas without them, according to Nicholas D. Gillitt, a US academic who shed some light on the mystery this week in a report by Huffington Post.
美国学者尼古拉斯.吉利特认为,尽管这些粘手的白丝可能不是最可口的,但实际上它们非常重要 - 如果没有他们,我们将无法吃香蕉。他在本周赫芬顿邮报的一篇报道中阐明了这个秘密。
The clue as to why those strands are so important is in their name.
Phloem is one of two types of transport tissue that you can find in all plants, and moves nutrients and other substances around the whole plant.
In a banana, the phloem strands are therefore the reason why all the nutrients can reach the whole of the fruit - which allows it to grow into the fruit we know of.
因此,正因为香蕉中韧皮部的存在,所有营养成分才可以输送到整个水果— 这才使得它长成了我们所熟知的这种水果。
Nicholas D. Gillitt, who is director at the Dole Nutrition Institute explained to Huffington Post: ’Phloem bundles are necessary for the adequate disposition of nutrients throughout the plant.’
The phloem bundles are completely edible and are just as nutritionally rich as the main part of the fruit, according to Dr Gillitt.
In fact, the strands probably contain a lot more fibre than the rest of the fruit, he says.
It is possible to genetically modify the fruit to prevent strands from forming - but Gillitt says there is little point dedicating funds to research this when companies can better invest in coming up with disease-resistant food or fruit with higher nutritional content.