Fengyun-4A satellite, the first of China's second-generation geostationary orbiting weather satellites, was put into operation Monday, said the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence.
WeChat, the most popular instant messaging application in China, replaced its composite logon picture, which uses an image of Earth taken in 1972 by the crew of NASA's Apollo 17 spacecraft, with an image recently taken by the Fengyun 4A satellite until Thursday.
此前微信启动页中使用的地球图片,来自美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)于1972年拍摄的一张著名的地球照片,名为“蓝色弹珠”(Blue Marble)。
The Blue Marble is an image of the Earth made on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft at a distance of about 29,000 kilometers from the surface. It is one of the most reproduced images in human history.
“The African continent is the origin of human civilization. Only with the emergence of humankind does the ability to communicate exist and have meaning."
“The FY-4A’s photo is meant along the same vein, to evoke the history of the development of Chinese civilization since humanity’s origins by showcasing China’s natural scenery to our hundreds of millions of users.”
风云四号A星是我国静止轨道气象卫星(geostationary orbiting weather satellites)从第一代(风云二号)向第二代跨越的首发星,于2016年12月11日在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射。卫星在轨运行(in-orbit operation)期间,圆满完成卫星平台(satellite platform)、有效载荷(payload)、地面应用系统(ground application system)等测试任务。测试结果表明,卫星各项功能、性能符合工程研制总要求。
这颗卫星具备高时间分辨率(high time resolution)、高空间分辨率(high spatial resolution)、高定位精度(high accuracy of positioning)、高辐射精度(high radiometric accuracy)、高光谱精度(high spectra precision),可实时补偿姿态、轨道、热变形误差,实时对星上数据进行处理。卫星搭载了多通道扫描成像辐射计(an advanced geosynchronous radiation imager)、干涉式大气垂直探测仪(a geostationary interferometric infrared sounder)、闪电成像仪(a lightning mapping imager)和空间天气监测仪(a space weather monitor)4台遥感仪器。
在轨测试期间, 风云四号卫星对台风(typhoons)、沙尘(sandstorms)、暴雨强对流(rain storms)等灾害天气和蓝藻水华(blue-green algae blooms)、霾(smog)等环境生态问题进行了实时有针对性的应用监测,为今年5月份北方地区严重沙尘、6月份的华北特大暴雨、6月底至7月初南方持续降水以及“苗柏”“南玛都”台风等的预警提供了有力支撑。
风云四号卫星将大幅度提高我国天气预报(weather forecast)、气象防灾减灾(meteorologic disaster prevention and reduction)、应对气候变化(climate change)、生态环境监测(ecological environment monitoring)和空间天气监测预警能力(space weather monitoring and warning capability),并广泛应用于气象、水利、农业、林业、环境、能源、航空和海洋等领域,特别是在服务我国军民融合战略(military-civilian integration strategy)实施、“一带一路”建设等方面发挥重要作用。目前,风云四号卫星已被世界气象组织纳入全球对地观测气象卫星序列(global land observing weather satellite system),有望在2017年底具备试运行和服务能力,将为我国及亚太地区防灾减灾和经济社会发展提供支撑保障。
经过近40多年发展,我国成功发射了4颗风云一号、 7颗风云二号、3颗风云三号卫星,形成极轨气象卫星(polar orbiting weather satellite)和静止轨道气象卫星(geostationary orbiting weather satellite)两大系列。
2016年12月11日,搭载风云四号卫星的运载火箭在西昌卫星发射中心点火升空,新华社记者陈建力摄 |
极轨卫星围绕南北极跨越赤道飞行(circle the Earth at a typical altitude in a north to south,or vice versa, path),主要用于天气预报、生态、环境监测以及气候变化研究。
静止卫星在地球赤道上空,与地球自转同步运行(orbit the Earth above the equator),能对局部地区进行高频次的观测,对中尺度强对流天气进行预报。