
Grappling with the Statue of Liberty and Brexit in one English exam proved too much for more than 30,000 German school students, who are protesting in an online petition.
They say the texts they had to analyse were "unfair" - stuffed with highly literary and outdated vocabulary.
他们说他们必须分析的文本“不公平” - 全是高度文学和过时的词汇。
Baden-Württemberg state officials, however, called the texts "appropriate" and defended the exam board.
然而,巴登 - 符腾堡州的官员称这些文本是“合适的”,并为考试委员会辩护。
They were part of the teenagers’ crucial Abitur school-leaving exams.
One task was to comment on two contrasting cartoons about Brexit, titled "Project Fantasy" and "The Realities".
That required some current affairs knowledge, besides English comprehension.
But it could be argued that German teenagers ought to take an interest in the UK’s exit from the EU. At least they were not asked to comment on the Common Agricultural Policy.
About 31,000 students sat the English exam in the south-west German state but the petition launched last month has collected more than 35,000 signatures.
They ask the region’s education authorities to adapt the marking system in light of the "unfair" difficulties posed by the texts - and give some examples. This year’s Abitur "is not comparable with those of previous years", they argue.
One passage the students had to wrestle with had this challenging description of the Statue of Liberty: "Against the luminous sky the rays of her halo were spikes of darkness roweling the air; shadow flattened the torch she bore to a black cross against flawless light."
学生们必须阅读的一段话是对自由女神像的一种具有挑战性的描述:“在光明的天空中,她的光环散发出的光线是在空中滑动的黑暗的尖刺;在无暇的光线中,阴影投射在她手里的火炬上,变成一只黑色的十字架。 “
The exam marks were revised after an online protest petition.