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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/28 11:41  北京自考热线

  Ⅲ. Choose the correct paraphrasing of the following sentences, and write your right letter on the Answer Sheet.(10%)

  1.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.

  A. Usually, when you go back to your own country, all the symptoms of culture shock disappear.

  B. Usually a trip back to your own country will relieve you of homesickness.

  C. Usually when you are back in your own country again, you realize that there are problems there.

. Usually when you return to your own country, you realize how nice it is to be home again.

  2.I’d have given the rest of my life for a single gulp of water.

  A. A gulp of water is so expensive that I’d have given the rest of my life to buy it.

  B. I was so thirsty that I’d given anything to have a single gulp of water.

  C. During the rest of my life, I would work for a single gulp of water.

  D. After drinking a gulp of water, I died directly.

  3.I had deliberately got myself into this jam.

  A. I chose to be in the crowd—that made me warm.

  B. I like the fruit so much that I made jam of it and had it everyday.

  C. My speculation of the position proved wrong, and I had got myself in the trouble.

  D. I got myself in trouble on purpose.

  4.How do you do about making a boy into a zero?

  A. How can you conceal a boy and make him obscure?

  B. How can you take all the money from the boy?

  C. How do you set to work at making the boy good for nothing?

  D. How do you start to make the boy get zero grades?

  5.Christmas has been commercialized out of its real meaning.

  A. Christmas has been bought and sold so that it has lost its real meaning.

  B. People have too much commercial activity on Christmas, and they have bought all the real meaning.

  C. Christmas became an occasion during which people keep buying too much and they forget its real meaning.

  D. The merchants are trying to make money out from Christmas so it loses its real meaning.


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