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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/07/08 17:45  北文学校

  Text 1

  Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41- 45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. t looks likely that South Africa’s park authorities will soon st
art killing families of elephants. Last week, Hector Magome, head of conservation for National Parks, trumpeted the news. “We are strongly leaning towards culling and we want the public to digest this hard fact,” he said.

  41.. That is good for tourists, but park managers say overpopulation threatens biodiversity. Each elephant eats as much as 170kg (370lbs) of plants a day; they are also fond of toppling trees. Swaggering herds smash woodland and disturb other species, though nobody is sure how much. The population is still growing, despite a reduction in water holes in the park. In April, Mr Magome will formally propose a cull alongside other options, hoping for a decision by the government in October.

  42.. In Umfolozi National Park stunned tourists recently watched two elephants (orphaned males brought from Kruger after a cull) kill a white rhinoceros and attack her calf. Other parks that received orphans also report problem behaviour. They, and private reserves, say their own populations are now too large to accept new arrivals.

  Animal activists, unsurprisingly, oppose any cull. Jason Bell, southern Africa director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, sees no “scientific basis to justify the killing of elephants now”. He warns that aerial surveys, the usual way of counting big fauna, are often inaccurate. So nobody knows precisely the number of elephants, nor how fast the population is growing. 43. .

  Nor do activists agree that it is problematic to have lots of elephants. It may not matter if there is deforestation in Kruger. The area was traditionally an open savannah landscape, not a woodland.

  44.. According to Mr Magome, 4,000 sexually active elephants would have to be darted. That is a huge task. Culling might at least (if bans were lifted) generate an income from ivory sales or from hunters who pay to take part.


  Even if more parks offer a longterm solution, what of the immediate pressure in Kruger? Though the park authority favours a cull, it will be unpopular. South Africa should expect the sort of outcry Canada attracts for seal bashing and Norway draws for harpooning whales. In turn, tourism could suffer — a tricky point for the environment minister, who also holds the tourism portfolio.

  [A] His group funds research into another way of counting that suggests population growth in Kruger is slower than thought. They study individual groups of elephants and by both counting the young and estimating the fertility of females, arrive at an estimate for the growth rate of the entire population by extrapolation.

  [B] Both juveniles and adults would be killed. Culling experts say whole family groups should be killed together because orphans, especially males, too often become aggressive when not reined in by a dominant older male.

  [C] He and his group want investigation of the impact of elephants before any cull is ordered. “So much is based on assumptions; we need a thorough scientific programme to understand the effect on biodiversity.”

  [D] The biggest need is in Kruger National Park, in northeast South Africa. This area the size of Israel is apparently overstuffed with elephants. It has seen no cull since 1994, when there were about 7,000 animals; now there are at least 12,000.

  [E] An effort is under way in Kruge National Park, to encourage whole families to move to a park in nearby Angola, Cuando Cubango. That depends on first clearing landmines in Cuando Cubango, and on keeping poachers away.

  [F] If not culling, what else could be tried? Contraception has worked in some small test groups. But Kruger’s managers say this is unproven on a large scale and is costly. Once a year female elephants must be shot with a vaccine from a helicopter.

  [G] The other option is setting aside more space for the growing population. Kruger is already connected with parks in neighboring Mozambique and Zimbabwe; elephants might be persuaded to migrate over the border if more water holes were closed in Kruger.

  41.【解析】选[D]。观察空白前后的上下文:空白后出现了指代词that,要注意that到底指代什么,肯定会在空白处提到。通过第二段首句的转折关系but park managers say...“但是公园管理人说(大象)数量过剩会威胁到生物的多样性”,可以推断转折句前面的意思是“大象数量过多对于游人而言是件好事”,that指的仍是大象数量过多一事,因此空白处内容会与大象的数量或布居有关,五个选项中只有[D]符合,注意句中的the biggest need是the biggest need of culling的省略,进一步举例说明culling的必要性。本题空白前的句子说明南非公园当局很快会开始挑出老弱大象杀掉,并提倡民众接受这一严酷的现实,单看此句,则很可能会选择[B],因为[B]中Both juveniles and adults would be killed.自然了承接了上文,但要注意它不能引起下文。

  42.【解析】选[B]。本题位于第三段段首。首先观察空白后的内容,In Umfolozi National Parks... 与Other parks...均是具体的举例,说明大象特别是失去父母的小雄象的粗野行为,那么前面内容可能会是对举例内容的概括,[B]项内容正好谈到应该杀死整个大象家族及其原因,引起下文的举例,所以正确。

  43.【解析】选[A]。本题是第四段的拓展句,相对而言比较简单。第四段首句首先指出动物保护主义者反对残杀大象,接着介绍国际爱护动物的基金会的南非负责人认为需要杀死大象没有科学依据,因为没有人确切知道大象目前的数量以及发展速度,很明显后文会进一步阐述国际爱护动物基金会的研究工作,[A]、[C]两项均有可能承接上文,但要注意,[A]项中的counting、population growth与上文中的counting、population is growing复现,与上文承接更加紧密。

  44.【解析】选[F]。本题类似于第42题,空白处位于段首,而且后面内容是空白处的进一步阐述,sexually active elephants would have to be darted说明前面内容与对大象进行的节育措施有关,[F]项中出现了关键词contraception“避孕”,与空白后内容讨论的同为控制大象繁殖这一话题,所以[F]为答案。

  45.【解析】选[G]。本题独立成段,分析段际关系是解题突破口。从上一段开始,文章转入不杀死大象之外控制大象数量办法的讨论中来,上一段已经提到采取避孕措施这种方法,推测本段可能还会提到其他方法,而下一段首句起了很好的提示作用,Even if表示递进,可以推测空白处内容涉及到另一种方法:offer more parks,即为大象提供更多的生活场所,[G]项表述的正好是此内容,所以为答案。本题的干扰项是[E],但要注意该项只提到将Kruge的大象转移到安哥拉附近的公园,也就是说只局限于一个公园,与下一段中出现的more parks不相符。



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