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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/07/08 17:47  北文学校

  Text 3

  Directions:In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41- 45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks.

  udging by the thousands of new products at the Food Marketing Institute’s show in Chicago this week, the makers of packaged food are an inventive lot. 41..

  Yet despite all the buzz, the food industry is falling behind in its ability to innovate. This will cost companies heavily as supermarkets’ ownlabel goods grab an increasing share of the market, especially for products aimed at the growing number of healthconscious consumers.


  Innovation is crucial in driving sales of consumer goods, especially when competing against a retailer’s ownlabel products, says John Blasberg, the head of Bain’s North American consumerproducts practice. With big supermarket chains such as WalMart, France’s Carrefour and Britain’s Tesco taking a bigger proportion of consumer spending, this battle is intensifying. By 2003, private labels accounted for 16.5% of sales in America, compared with 141.9% in personal care, says Bain. In Europe, privatelabel penetration in packaged foods, particularly in “ready meals”, is above 20%.


  The packagedfood industry’s reaction to lowcarbohydrate diets typifies the problems. Many leading brands have been launching new lowcarb products recently, just as the market has peaked. 44. .

  Either way it presented food firms with a big opportunity — if they could move fast. Some did. In 2004, the number of new lowcarb products jumped from around 500 to some 5,000. Sales exceeded $2 billion in America last year. But by autumn the market was turning down. Now the talk in the industry is of products being axed and of truckloads of unsold lowcarb snacks and meals being donated to charities for the homeless. In March, Atkins Nutritionals, the commercial arm of Dr Atkins’s legacy, sought bankruptcy protection for its British operation.


  Many food firms believed that lowcarb foods might prove only a shortterm opportunity—but not that short, says Christiana Benkouider, research manager for health and wellbeing products at Euromonitor. In the rush to get new products to market “taste probably suffered as a result,” she says. It was the “avalanche”of new products that helped cause the spike in the market, says Matt Wiant, chief marketing officer for Atkins Nutritionals. He blames the firm’s British woes on operational problems but believes that in various ways lowcarb foods will remain an important part of the health market.

  Whether or not he is right, future innovation is likely to come increasingly from small firms. They have led the development of organic products, points out Bain. Over the longer term, organics has been the fastestgrowing packagedfood sector.

  [A] The packagedfood business is worth about $41.4 trillion. The socalled “health and wellness”segment is the fastestgrowing bit. This consists of organic products; fortified or “functional”foods (usually with added ingredients, such as vitamins); and “betterforyou” ranges (with things like sugar, salt or carbohydrates taken out).

  [B] Most new food products now tend to be extensions of an existing line. Food firms need to invest more in research and development, says Bain. It calculates that personalcare companies spend an average of 42.6% of sales on R&D compared with 41.6% by food and beverage companies. Food firms must also become faster at launching new products and quicker to exit when demand wanes, adds Mr. Blasberg.

  [C] Hundreds of firms, ranging from familyrun outfits to giant multinationals, laid out their wares at one of the world’s biggest supermarkettrade events, hoping to attract the attention of retail executives seeking hot new products and emerging trends.

  [D] In 1997-2000, innovations in food and beverages outpaced those in another crucial consumergoods market, personalcare products (everything from razors to toothpaste), according to a new study by Bain, a consultancy. That has been reversed since 2001.

  [E] Even so, new lowcarb products are still coming to the market, including a lowcarb potato developed in Florida. In Chicago this week, Kraft, one of the world’s biggest food firms, unveiled its new line of “South Beach Diet” products, produced in association with an Atkins rival.

  [F] Two years ago, the soaring popularity of the celebrityendorsed lowcarb diet promoted by the late Robert Atkins saw sales of eggs and steak soar as those of carbohydraterich products, such as bread and pasta, slowed. A fad or a longterm trend?

  [G] Large firms will often look to smaller ones to provide the innovation they lack— and then buy up the successful ones, says Roy Bingham of Health Business Partners, an investment banking firm specialising in nutrition and consumer healthcare. As he points out, one of the chief problems faced by big companies is that, by definition, new products that claim to be healthier signal to consumers that existing ones may not be.

  41.【解析】选[C]。答题前略读已知信息可知packaged food是主题词,本文主题与包装食品工业有关,空白前本文的开篇句指出“从本周芝加哥食品市场调研协会展出的成千上万种新食品可以判断包装食品的生产是有创造力的可开发的领地”,而下一段首句又指出“尽管一直在奔忙,但食品工业革新能力还很落后”与空白处形成转折关系,buzz在此用的是比喻义,指“奔忙”,可以推断空白处应该是buzz的表现,再结合上文,不难确定[C]正确,因为该句提到从家族式小企业到跨国公司都在努力吸引销售商的注意力,恰为buzz的具体表现。本题容易受[A]项干扰,因为[A]中的packagedfood business 貌似承接了上文,但[A]重点叙述的是其产值与产品种类,无法与下文中的 buzz吻合。


  43.【解析】选[B]。上一段后半部分讲述销售商贴自己标签的产品份额越来越大,后面一段又提到了包装食品工业对低碳水化合物食品的反应说明了这些问题, the problems是很明显的线索词,可以推断空白处必然会提到这些问题所在,选项[B]指出食品业也需要投资一些研发工作,必须能够很快开发出新产品适应新需求,正好符合下一段中提到的生产低碳水化合物所要解决的问题,因此正确。[G]是本题干扰项,因为选项中出现了problems,似乎与下一段中的problems所指相同,但要注意前面部分“大公司指望小公司开发出他们所缺乏的产品并买进这些产品”无法承接上文。

  44.【解析】选[F]。本题有两条线索,其一为段落主题词lowcarb,其二为下一段首句中的Either way,既符合lowcarb复现又与either way相呼应的选项只有[F],either way即指a fad“时尚”或a longterm trend。

  45.【解析】选[E]。本题仍然为过渡段。上一段主要意思是低碳水化合物产品的生产为那些反应快的食品企业提供了好的机会,美国去年的销售量超过20亿美元,但是到秋天时销售量降下来了,许多企业削减了生产,处理掉卖不出去的产品。下一段内容仍然与lowcarb foods的生产有关,因此过渡段内容必然涉及到lowcarb products的生产,选项[E]符合上下文的衔接,而且与上文形成递进关系,so指代的正是上文后半部分the market of lowcarb products was turning down一事。



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