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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/07/21 19:51  新浪教育



  1.My mother has just bought me_______dress.

  A) an expensive blue cotton B) a cotton blue expensive

  C) a blue expensive cotton D) a cotton expensive blue

  2.Don?t waste time or we _______ our job.

  A) have never finished B) will never finish????

  C) never finished?????? D) never finish

  3.I don?t like_______ when you do something without consideration.

  A) this????B) that????C) it????D) one

  4.You had one of your teeth pulled out yesterday, ____???

  A) had you?? ??B) hadn?t you?

  C) did you?? ?? D) didn?t you ?

  5.The results were to ____________ yesterday, but we have heard nothing.

  A) reveal???? ??? ?B) have revealed? ????

  ?C) be revealed????? D) have been revealed

  6.To handle the delicate situation, you must be____________.

  A) more than careful???? ???B) more carefully

  C) carefully enough????????????D) enough carefully

  7.The man denied ___________ any thing at the supermarket when he was questioned by the police.

  A) to have stolen???? B ) to steal???????????C ) having stolen??????D ) having been stealing

  8.The governess agreed to teach the temperamental child _________ she was given complete authority.

  A) whether????????B) for?????????C) that?????????? D) provided

  9. According to the periodic table, ____________ still some elements undiscovered.

  A) there seem to be??????????B) it seems to be

  C) it seems that????????????? D) here seem

  10. The farmer used wood to build a house ____________ to store grain.

  A) with????????? B) in which????????C) which????????D) where

  11. It is the young man who looked after the old woman ____ caught the murderer.

  A) who? B) they?? C) that? ?D) which????

  12. The naughty girl was lying when she said that he??____ the eggs laid by the hen into the cupboard.

  A) lain B) had laid

  C) had lied D) laid

  13. The reason he failed in this exam ____ he didn?t sturdy hard

  A) is what ???? B) is? ??

  C) is because?? ?D) is that

  14. Your father was so angry with you.You____________ home without a word.

  A) mustn?t leave???? B) shouldn?t have left

  C) couldn?t have left???? D) needn?t leave??

  15.what?s the international language ____ all over the world?

  A) speaking B)spoken

  C) be spoken D) to speak

  16.The critics considered only the undesirable qualities in the artist?s work,while ignoring or_______the more desirable ones.

  A) criticizing B) overlooking

  C) deserting D) flattering

  17. I can?t find my gloves I must have_______ them on the bus when I came home from school.

  A) left B) lost C) forgotten D) missed

  18. His ____________ has changed but he has kept the fine qualities of a scientific researcher.

  A) state????????????? ?B) status??????????????

  C) station??????????????D) statue

  19. He can speak French and German, to_____ ___nothing of English.

  A) say??????????????B) speak????????????

  C) talk?????????????D) tell

  20. John?s outstanding performance in the competition proved that he was a_______ winner

  A) worthwhile B) worthy

  C) worth D) worthless

  21. ____ change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.

  A) Strict B) Wide C) Ever D)Radical

  22. I think you can find a handbook of great ____ in helping you to operate this machine.

  A) worth B) usefulness

  C) valuable D) value???23. I got caught in the traffic;_______I would have been here sooner.

  A) however B) although

  C) anyway

  D) otherwise

  24. You can take anything from the toolbox and use, but please _______the tools when you?ve finished with them.

  A) put on B) put down

  C) putback D) put off

  25.Vicky has been sad recently, for her plan to go to college ____________ at the last moment.

  A) fell out B) fell behind

  C) fell through? ??D) fell off

  26. The car manufacturer has laid_______ 1,000workers because of the drop in sales.

  A) out B) down C) aside D) off

  27. I don?t mind helping you with your English. _______, it will do me good.

  A) And B) Still C) Beside D) Besides

  28. How do you ____ about all this suggestion?

  A) feel B) consider

  C) think D) feel like

  29.The manager thought _______ the problem for three days before he finally made the decision.

  A) on B) in C) over D) down

  30. He ____________ a sum of money every month to help the two orphans.

  A) sets aside B) sets up

  C) sets along D) sets in


  Passage 1

  We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights,and there my wife saw the bookshelf, It stood outside a furniture (家具) shop. ?Buy it,?she said at once. ?We?ll carry it home on the roof rack (车顶架). I?ve always wanted one like that.?What could I do? Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer,and the bookshelf was tied on to the roof rack. It was tall and narrow, quite heavy too. As it was getting darker, I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea. After a time my wife said,??There?s a long line of cars behind. Why don?t they overtake (超车)??Just at that time a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously when they went past. But then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me. ?Right, sir,?he said, ?Do you need any more help now??I didn?t quite understand.?Thanks,officer,?I said, ?You?ve been very kind. I live just down the road.?He was looking at our things: first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf. ?Well,well,?he said and laughed. ?It?s a bookshelf you?ve got there! We thought it was-or something else.?My wife began to laugh. Suddenly I understood why the police drove here. I smiled at the officer. ?Yes, it?s a bookshelf, but thanks again.?I drove home as fast as I could.

  31.From the story we know that ______.

  A. the writer was poor and didn?t buy the bookshelf for his wife.

  B. the writer?s wife didn?t like the bookshelf at all.

  C. the writer was always glad to buy something for his wife.

  D. the writer was not very glad to buy the bookshelf for his wife.

  32.What made the writer think that carrying furniture was ?a good idea?

  A. He could drive slowly and it was safe.

  B. Other drivers would let him go first.

  C. His wife could use a new bookshelf.

  D. He could save a lot of money and time.

  33.Why were the police and other drivers so kind to the writer?

  A. Because they thought the writer liked studying very much and needed a bookshelf.

  B. Because they didn?t think it was polite to overtake a car with a bookshelf on it.

  C. Because they thought somebody in the writer?s family had died and he needed help.

  D. Because they thought it was dangerous to carry a bookshelf on a car.

  34.Why did the writer?s wife begin to laugh?

  A. Because now she knew what mistake the police had made.

  B. Because at last her husband understood why the police had driven to the church.

  C. Because the officer was always looking at the flowers and the bookshelf.

  D. Because the police had helped them a lot.

  35.when did the officers begin to realize (意识到) they had made a mistake?

  A. Before they arrived at the church.

  B. Before they overtook the writer?s car.

  C. After one of them looked at the flowers and the bookshelf carefully at the church.

  D. After the writer?s family left the church.

  Passage 2

  ?? One day, I happened to talk to a stranger on the bus. When he found out that I was from Chicago, he told me that one of his good friends lived there and he wondered if I happened to know him. At first I wanted to say that Chicago was a very big city. He was silent (沉默) for a few minutes, and then he began to tell me all about his friend.

  He told me that his friend was an excellent tennis player, and that he even had his own tennis court (

网球场). He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools, but that he only knew two people in the country had their own tennis courts. And his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several people like that. For example, my brother and my next-door neighbor. I told him that my brother was a doctor. The doctor had a tennis court. I said that my next-door neighbor went to Sacramento last summer and lived in the house next to my brother?s. For a moment, we looked at each other. But we did not say anything.

  ?? ?Would your friend?s name happen to be Roland Kirkwood? ?I asked finally. He laughed and said, ?Would your brother?s name happen to be Dr. Ray Hunter??It was my turn to laugh.

  36.How many people does the story involve?

  ?A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven

  37. Which of the following is the title of the story?

  A. On A Bus????????????????B. Two Tennis Players

  C. One In A Million???? D. Chicago Is A Large City

  38.The writer said that Chicago was a very big city. That means _________.

  A. it was possible for him to happen to know the stranger?s friend

  B. he didn?t want to find the stranger?s friend

  C. it was impossible to find the stranger?s friend

  D. he didn?t know the stranger?s friend

  39.When the stranger told the writer that only two people in the county had their own tennis courts, he meant that __________.

  A. his friend was a famous person

  B. his friend was an excellent tennis player

  C. the writer could find his friend

  D. the writer would happen to know his friend

  40.Which of the following is true?

  A. The story happened in Chicago.

  B. The writer?s brother lived in Sacramento.

  C. Both the writer and the stranger lived in Chicago.

  D. Both the writer and his brother lived in California.


  41.plead 42.approach 43.figure

  44.attic 45.march 46.wrap

  47.tank 48.amount 49.illustrate

  50.guide 51.skull 52.alcohol

  53.urge 54.peek 55.swoop

  56.straight 57.gape 58.strap

  59.seminar 60.stir


  A. 从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。

  The measure of a man?s character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

  ?Thomas Macaulay

  As a pupil in a public school , Mrs Nanette O?Neil 61 an arithmetic??test??to our class. When the papers were marked ,she discovered that twelve boys include me had made the same mistakes throughout the test. There is really nothing new 62 cheating. She asked the twelve boys to?remain after class...She ? 63 no?questions and didn?t??scold??us either. She just ordered us to 64 Thomas-Macaulay?s words above one hundred times.

  I can say: it was the most important ?lesson??of my life. Now, Macaulay?s words? 65 __??seem to me the best yard-stick(准绳), because they give us a??way??to measure ourselves rather than others.__ 66 ?of us are asked to make?? 67 ??decisions about nations or wars. But all of us are called?? 68 daily to make lots of decisions.?? Should the? 69 ??change received at the store be forgotten or??returned? Nobody will know except you. But you have to live 70 yourself, and it is always better to live with someone you respect.

  B. 根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。

  Was I misjudging her? So many slanders are written every day 71 the daily press 72 Negroes and Puerto Ricans. I hesitated 73 a long, long minute. The traditional good 74 that the most illiterate Puerto Rican passes 75 from father 76 son were struggling inside me. Here I was way past midnight, face to fact with a situation 77 could very well 78 an incident of 79 and chauvinism caused by the 80 policy of our society today.

  Ⅴ. 根据所学课文内容完成下列句子。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

  81. ?The Love of Life?means __________.

  82.According to ?Freedom in Dying?what a person can do for a dying friend or relative is _____________.

  83.Henry played this practical joke on twelve best friends of his funeral because__________.

  84.?The tomorrow?s newspaper?offered ?me? the author of the text, two chances. They are__________.

  85. ?Little Things Are Big?means __________.

  86.Scudder looked upon this observation the best lesson he ever had, because ________.

  87.In the text ?Thank You, Ma?am? the large woman gave the small boy not only money, but also __________.

  88.From ?I Got My B.A.by Seer Luck?we can learn from the writer?s experience that __________.

  89.After hearing he news of her husband?s death, Louise Mallard __________.

  90.The letter ?A?so important for Christy Brown, because__________.

  Ⅵ. 将下列句子译成英语。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)













  1.答案:A 多个形容词定语的排列,一般顺序为大小,贵贱,颜色(形状),质地。

  2.答案:B 祈使句+ (and)引导一般将来时态


  考察it的掌握,like, love, hate, dislike等动词不可以直接接宾语从句,通常在这些词后加it, 然后带相应的句子。

  4.答案:D 此处的had既非助动词,也非“有”,而是实义动词,故反问时其助动与其它动词一样用did,分词做定语。

  5.答案:D 虚拟语气,结果是被公布的,而根据后面的意思知道事实上没有。

  6.答案:A 知道more than的特殊用法,本题即可顺利做答。

  7.答案:C 在deny之后要用动名词。

  8. 答案:D provided是一个特殊的连词,相当于if,可引导状语从句。

  9. 答案:A there be句型的用法。

  10. 答案:B 带介词的定语从句。把粮食放在房子中,介词是in所以选B

  11. 答案:C 此句为强调结构,其中含有一个定语从句为干扰点,空白处that为强调结构的连接词。

  12. 答案:B 此题考查:单词lie躺,lie 说谎,lay放,下蛋 的过去式和过去分词。

  13. 答案:D 表示 “…的理由是…”时用the reason is that固定用法引导表语从句。

  14. 答案:B shouldn’t?t have done表示本不应该做而做了,含有责备之意。

  15.答案B. 考查过去分词,主语language与动词之间有被动的含义。

  16. 答案:B 词汇熟练度的考查,做本题时已知ignore词义,寻找它的近义词则不难选答。

  17. 答案:A 以上各词汉语意思很相象,只有leave才符合英语习惯。

  18. 答案:B status指身份, 地位, 情形, 状况;sate指状态;statue则是雕像。

  19. 答案:A to say nothing of 是一个固定短语,意思是“更不用说…了”。

  20. 答案:B 词义辨析,worthy为有价值意思,这里句子后面可译成:名副其实的胜者。

  21. 答案:D 常用radical修饰change,表示根本的变化。

  22. 答案:D be of+抽象名词,指一本有价值的手册,选D。be of great use,而不说be of great usefulness。

  23. 答案:D 连词的辨析,此句可翻译为:我碰到了堵车,要不然,我会早些到那里的。

  24. 答案:C 动词词组的考察,put back有“把…放回原处”的含义。其它不符。

  25. 答案:C fall through的意思是“失败、破产”。fall out争吵, 吵架, 闹翻, 结果是, 离队;fall off 下降, 跌落, 减少, 衰退, 离开;fail behind落在...的后面, 拖欠。

  26. 答案:D 介词搭配,lay off这里的意思是:使…失业,即解雇。

  27. 答案:D 副词(短语)的掌握和运用能力.此处意义相当于in addition 或also

  28. 答案:A 动词的搭配,feel about = consider= think of认为,感觉。通常在问句中

  29. 答案:C think over 为再三考虑的意思

  30. 答案:A set aside .留出, 不顾, 取消, 驳回;set up 设立, 竖立, 架起, 升起, 装配, 创(纪录), 提出, 开业;set along 无此短语; set in开始, 到来, 上涨, 插入, 嵌入。



  42.答案B,这道题可以用排除法来做,选项A “a good idea”和 drive slowly and it was safe. 明显不符合;选项D文章没有提到;选项C太过于片面,虽然文章中提到了,但是和此题无关;故选B。

  43.答案C, 此题可以通过排除法来选择,选项A和B文章中没有提到;选项D虽然符合逻辑但是和本题目不符合。

  44.答案 A,此题可以通过阅读文章中The police car stopped at our village church.“It ’s a bookshelf you’ve got there! We thought it was-or something else.警察把书架和鲜花误以为了。因为当时天很黑。

  45.答案C,通过阅读文章的结尾就可以找到答案The police car stopped at our village church…He was looking at our things…

  46.答案:A 做对此题要读懂整篇文章,最后一段可知道两人所谈论的涉及到作者的哥哥和邻居。而the stranger所说的他的朋友是其中之一。共四人。

  47.答案:C 考查对文章的概括总结能力,首先On a bus 没说明到底发生什么事,主要也不是谈论Chicago这个城市,所以A和D项不合适。而两个Tennis Player令人不清楚,所涉及的四人中,作者哥哥写到是doctor,作者和stranger也并未说明是否是tennis player。所以C项。

  48.答案:D 文章上下文理解。在前句he told me that one of his good friends lived there and he wondered if I happened to know him.可知,作者wanted to say that Chicago was a very big city是想要回应他的话,表达D项意思。

  49.答案:D the stranger强调仅有两个人如此,注意文中only这个词表示出的语气,说明他觉得作者应该认识他的朋友。选D

  50.答案:B A项文中未说那里,且从第一段中When he found out that I was from Chicago可知不是Chicago ;C项the stranger 不一定住在Chicago; D项无中生有。 B项中,文中没提到California;作者说他的一个邻居搬到Sacramento,然后又说next to my brother’s,可知B正确.


  41./i:/ 42./au/ 43./E/ 44./A/

  45./tf/ 46./r/ 47./N/ 48./au/

  49./E/ 50./ai/ 51./Q/ 52./A/

  53./E:/ 54./i:/ 55./u:/ 56./ei/

  57./ei/ 58./A/ 59./a:/ 60./E:/


  A. 从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。

  61空明显缺少谓语动词,而选项中有gave asked copy write 也有动词用法,与后文连起来仅gave比较合适。


  63空也是个动词,就只能是添ask而不能是copy 或write什么question。

  64比较迷惑,write 似乎也可以,但是用copy更能表达让学生“重复的写”的意思,65从上句看,这里补上个表示“仍然”意思的词比较合适,填still。

  66,67还是要对句子行文有准确的理解,从常识来看,一般人(也就是大多数人)都不大可能对有关国家或战争之类的问题做出什么决定的,从而这两个空就容易填了,few 和great。


  68 upon是与call的固定搭配。

  69从句意理解可选extra “多余的零头”就是说:多找钱了。



  71.in 72.against 73.for 74.manners 75.on 76.to

  77.that 78.become 79.prejudice 80. unjust

  Ⅴ. 根据所学课文内容完成下列句子。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

  81. We can survive in hard times if we love life. 上册第7课

  82. to be with him or her by being oneself.下册第13课

  83. He wanted t let his friends know that they should set their need to laugh against their desire for money. 上册第10,11课

  84. to win some money; to save my father. 下册第14课

  85. People will regard what happened in the text as a thing. But for the writer, he thought it was a big thing. People should be courteous to each other, not prejudiced, no matter whoever you are, black or white. 上册第12课

  86. Because it has influenced the way he has studied ever since. He learned how to work out the complicated things beneath the simple appearance. 下册第2课

  87.Love, trust and self-esteem. 下册第10课

  88. active study and study method are very important. 下册第12课

  89. Cried loudly and went to her room alone. 下册第1课

  90. Because it was is road to a new world and his key to mental freedom. 下册第15,16课

  Ⅵ. 将下列句子译成英语。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

  91. He made great contributions towards our education.(词组 contributions to/towards 对…的贡献)

  92. He promised to keep in touch with me before he left. (词组 stay/keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系)

  93. He followed his father’s footsteps and became a lawyer. (词组 follow sb’s footsteps 接班,继承某人的事业)

  94. Typewriters have given way to computers. (词组 give way to 让路,为…所取代)

  95. He continued to play the violin as if nothing had happened. (词组 as if 似乎)

  96. The police arrested a few people who were in connection with a bank robbery. (词组 in connection with 关于,有关)

  97. We should not put the responsibility on to theirs. (词组 put the responsibility on to 将责任推卸到)

  98. She couldn wait to get home to tell his family about the good news.(词组 can’t wait to do 迫不及待地做)

  99. Those disabled people longed to make their own contributions to the community. (词组 long to do 渴望做…)

  100. He refuses to do the things against his will. (词组 refuse to do 拒绝做某事)



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