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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/01 16:16  无忧雅思网


  Recent years have witnessed a worsening trend in road safety. According to statistics from the local authority, the number of traffic accidents in 2004 was 20% greater than that of the previous year. The issue is gaining more and more concern of the public, some of whom propose that stricter punishment on traff
ic offenders should be the only way to ensure road safety. As far as I am concerned, I hold that punishment should not be only solution to the problem.

  There is certainly no denying that stricter penalties may to some extent bring down the number of accidents on motorways as a deterrent to driving offences. Besides, the government may enjoy a greater revenue from severer fines, which can in turn be used to improve road conditions.

  However, we shall never overlook the other side of the coin: punishment has its downsides. Fines, as the most common penalty for driving violations, tend to instill in people the misconception that money can pay off their guilt and resolve the problem. As a result, we can see many cases where the traffic offender commits the same or another mistake even after having been fined a lot. In spite of heavier punishment, road safety cannot be enhanced unless drivers are equipped with sufficient driving skills and knowledge. Recently there have emerged many irresponsible driving schools that have produced a host of unqualified drivers, contributing to more traffic offences. Thus tight control on driving schools and the driving testing system is needed as well to improve road safety. Furthermore, advertisements and campaigns concerned should be launched to raise the public awareness. When people are fully aware of the importance of abiding traffic rules, accidents may hopefully be eliminated.

  From the above discussion, it is clear that only stricter punishment is not enough to enhance road safety. Instead, it should go hand in hand with closer control on driving schools and the testing system as well as higher public awareness.






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