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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/02 17:57  华夏大地教育网

  Unit Six

  Text A Improving Industrial Efficiency through Robotics



  Paras.1-3 Robots are used in many areas

  Para.4 The difference between robots and other machines.

  Paras.5-7 Technicians and engineers are trying to design new types of robots.

  二.词汇精讲: New Words

  efficiencyn. 效率;功效







  weldvt./n. 焊接

  sprayn./vt./vi. 浪花,水花;喷射,喷涂

  castvt./n. 投,扔,抛,掷

  framen. 构架,框架

  installvt. 安装


  calculatorn. 计算者;计算器

  radioactivea. 放射性的

  personneln. 全体人员,全体职员

  exposevt. 使暴露,使面临,揭露

  radiationn. 放射,发光


  automatica. 自动的;无意识的

  reprogrammev. 再次(重新)设定程序

  completionn. 完成,结束

  specifica. 特有的,特定的

  switchn./vt./vi. 开关,转换


  digitala. 手指的,数字的

  cameran. 照相机,摄像机

  light-sensitivea. 光敏的

  intensityn. 强烈,剧烈

  grayscalen. 灰度

  brightness n. 明亮,晴朗


  shaden./vt. 荫,阴影

  calculationn. 计算,计算结果

  defectivea. 有缺点的,有缺陷的

  assemblevt./vi. 集合,装配

  attendantn. 侍者,服务员

  firemann. 消防队员

  housekeepern. 管理家务的主妇


  to expose to 暴露,面临

  in that 在于,原因是

  in between 在中间;每间隔

  in question正被谈论的

  plenty of 大量的;丰富的



  1.efficiency : 效率,功效

  派生词:efficient a. 有效率的; inefficient a. 无效率的;inefficiency n. 无效率

  These machines have raised efficiency many times. 这些机器效率提高了好多倍。

  A good manager is both competent and efficient. 好的经理应当是称职而且有效。

  区别:efficient 和effective

  efficient a .有效率的 ; effective a. 有效的

  2.increasingly : ad. 日益,越来越多

  派生词:increase v. 增加,提高; increasing a. 越来越多的;

  He is increasingly rude to me. 他对我越来越粗鲁。

  This argument became increasingly bitter. 他们的争论越来越激烈。

  Industrial production as a whole increased by 20 percent. 工业生产总体上增长了20%。

  It’ll be some time before supply can keep up with the increasing demand. 随着需求的不断增长,一段时间以后供应也会上升。

  3.personnel :n. 全体人员,全体职工,人事(部门)

  派生词:person n. 人; personal a. 个人的,私人的

  All personnel will receive an extra week’s vacation. 全体人员将获得额外的一星期假期。

  The new director of the TV station is likely to make major change in personnel. 电视台的新台长有可能做很大的人事变动。

  I can’t insist upon my personal opinion. 我不能坚持个人的观点。


  派生词:exposure n. 暴露,揭露,接触

  用法: to expose to 将… 暴露于… 之下;使… 面临

  Parents should not expose the children to violent program. 父母不应该让孩子接触暴力节目。

  When she went to college, Mary was exposed to a lot of new ideas. 凯特上大学后接触到许多新思想。


  We should expose children to new ideas.

  5.switch :开关,转换

  Having considered that problem, they switched their conversation to other matters. 考虑了那个问题后,他们把话题转到其他问题上。

  None of us wish to switch back to the old system. 我们谁也不愿意回复到旧制度。


  In the last three years, he switched from one profession to another.

  6.critical: 批评的,对… 谴责的,紧要的,危急的

  派生词: criticize v. 批评,批判;criticism n. 批评; critic : 评论文章,评论

  His critical analysis was helpful. 他的批评性分析很有帮助。

  The patient was in a critical condition. 病人处于危险的情况。

  The old man was critical of the boy’s impolite behavior. 那个老人不满意男孩的不礼貌行为。


  At the critical moment, we should be capable of facing any difficulties.


  He is critical of her ignorance of law.

  7.intensity: 强度,力量;强烈

  派生词: intense a. 强烈的,剧烈的

  The pain increased in intensity. 疼痛加剧了。

  The intensity of the play left the audience numbed. 这部戏的紧张程度使观众麻木了。


  They are making war preparations on a large scale. 他们正大规模地搞战备。

  The scale is an inch to the mile. 比例是用一寸代表一里。


  1. in that : 在于,原因是

  Men are different from other animals in that the former can create and use tools while the latter cannot. 人与动物的不同之处在于,人会制造和使用工具而其他动物则不能。

  I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have more friends in the country. 我喜欢城市,但我更喜欢农村,因为在农村我有许多朋友。

  2. in question:在被谈论的,

  Where are the girls in question? 谈论中的女孩们在哪?

  That’s not the point in question. 那不是要考虑的问题。

  区别:in question , out of question , out of the question

  in question 在被谈论的, out of question 没有问题;out of the question 不可能

  To pass the exam is out of question. 通过考试没问题。

  Their victory is out of the question; they’ve lost too many men. 他们是不可能胜利的,他们损失的人太多。

  3. plenty of: 充足,大量

  There was plenty of work for them to do. 有很多工作需要他们做。

  I have plenty of humorous tales. 我有许多



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