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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/16 18:53  恩波教育



  Americans are queer people: they can’t play. Americans rush to work as soon as they grow up. They want their work as soon as they wake. It is a stimulant—the only one they are not afraid of. They used to open their offices at ten o’clock; then at nine; then at eight; then at seven. Now they never shut them. Every business in America is turning into an open-all-day-and-night business. They eat all night, dance all night, make noise all night. They can’t play. They try to, but can’t. They turn football into a fight, baseball into a lawsuit, and yachting into machinery. They can’t play. The little children can’t play; they use mechanical toys instead—toy cranes, hoisting toy loads, toy machinery spreading a toy industrial depression of infantile dullness. The grownup people can’t play; they use a mechanical gymnasium and a clockwork horse. They can’t laugh; they hire a comedian and watch him laugh.



  above before me before on the left

  across from belowin the distance on the right

  adjacent to beyondnearby opposite to

  also further next to on top of

  up downclose to beneath

  under around near to over


  first, second, etc.sooneventually

  in the meantimethenuntil

  at the same time nextthereafter

  after a whilenow after


  somewhat laterfinally at last


  first, second, etc.nowfor this purpose

  but as a resultfurthermore

  finally at last moreover

  also consequentlylikewise

  anotherfor examplenext

  yet for instanceon the contrary

  once in additionin summary

  such in this caseon the other hand

  then otherwisein conclusion

  thusto sum up therefore



  equally importanttoo, alsoat the same time


  in factin addition to like, likewise

  similarlyjust as…so in much the same way


  on the contrary different from / in contrast

  on the other handin spite of / despite

  yet, butwhereas


  not only…but alsohere…there

  years ago…todaythis…that

  the former…the latterthen…now

  the first…whereas the secondsome…others

  on the one hand…on the other once…now

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