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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/22 19:47  新浪教育

  100. If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to ____ in the courtyard. ( 97.6. 62 )

  A) assemble B) converge C) crowd D) accumulate

  A) [考点] 动词辨异。所填单词应该是表示“集合”的意思。A) assemble集合,聚集,收集;assemble evidence 收集证据;B) converge (指线条、运动的物体等)会合,集中(于一点);converge 强调朝一点汇合,在本题中没有assemble 恰当;C) crowd群集,拥挤;D)accumulate积累,积聚; accumulate funds 积累资金。

  [译文] 如果火警响了,所以的居民被要求到院子里集合。

  101. Now the cheers and applause _____ in a single sustained roar. ( 00.1. 53 )

  A) mingled B) concentrated C) assembled D) permeated

  A) [考点] 动词辨异。根据句意,空格处应该填一个表示“混合、汇成”的意思的词。A) mingle 混合,相混;mingle in 混合成;mingle with 和…混合;C) assemble 集合,聚集,装配; A)和C) 极易搞混,assemble 不能与“声音”搭配;B) concentrate (on) 集中,浓缩;D) permeate 弥漫,渗透,透过。

  [译文] 此刻欢呼声和掌声汇成一片经久不息的喧嚣。

  102. Although the colonists _____ to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive. ( 00.6. 62 )

  A) migrated B) matched C) mingled D) melted

  C) [考点] 动词辩异。本题还考查了介词with搭配,to some extent 是插入语。C) mingle (with/ in) (使) 混合,溶入; A) migrate (to) 迁徙,移居;B) match (with) 相比, 匹配; D) melt (使)融化, (使)熔化。

  [译文] 虽然在一定程度上殖民者已与土著人相混合,但印第安人对美国文化及语言的影响并不广泛。

  103. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _____. ( 00.6. 56 )

  A) deteriorated B) dispersed C) dissipated D) drained

  C) [考点] 动词辩异。本题考查名词和动词搭配,也就是寻找和enthusiasm搭配的最合适的动词。C) dissipate (情感)消失,消散,消耗;构成最强干扰的是D) drain (感觉、情感)逐渐消失,耗尽,减少,排水,流干;C)和D)都可以作不及物动词,意思也非常接近,但是drain有逐渐消失的意思( progressively, gradually )如:He felt his enthusiasm draining.他感到他的热情渐渐消失。本题中如果没有finally,那么C)和D)都可以,因为finally表示一种最终的状态,所以C) 更好。A) deteriorate (使)恶化,变坏;B) disperse (使)分散,散开。disperse knowledge 传播知识

  [译文] 在同样的一份工作上干了四年后,他的热情最终慢慢消失了。

  104. His career was not noticeably _____ by the fact that he had never been to college. ( 98.1. 41 )

  A) prevented B) restrained C) hindered D) refrained

  C) [考点] 动词辨异。本题要求在几个意思相近,但是内涵不同的动词之间作出辨析。C) hinder 妨碍,阻碍; hinder可以妨碍某事的进行,也可以妨碍sth / sb;A) prevent防止, 预防; (常与from连用)阻止;制止;妨碍; prevent意为“妨碍”的时候,指的是妨碍某事的进行。本题是某人的“事业(sth.)”没有被妨碍,所以说只能用hinder。B) restrain抑制, 制止; restrain oneself 克制自己;D) refrain(与from连用)抑制;自制;避免; refrain from doing sth. 抑制、避免干某事。

  [译文] 他的事业没有因为他从未上过大学而受到明显的妨碍。

  105. The automatic doors in supermarkets _____ the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts. ( 01.6. 53 )

  A) furnish B) induced C) facilitate D) allocate

  C[考点] 动词辨异。本题错误率很高,一些书上也选A) furnish 布置,供应,提供.。 C) facilitate 使变得(更)容易,使便利;facilitate sth 方便某事。本题中facilitate的宾语是entry and exit。 B) induce 引诱,引起,导致;induce sb. to do sth.劝导某人做某事; D) allocate 分配,分派,把...拨给。

  [译文] 超市里的自动门方便了推着购物车的顾客的进出。

  106. The work in the office was _____ by a constant stream of visitors. ( 97.6. 63 )

  A) confused B) hampered C) reversed D) perplexed

  B) [考点] 动词辨异。本题所填单词要求能和work 搭配,表示“妨碍工作”的意思;B) hampered妨碍, 阻碍,牵制(行动,活动,工作等);A) confused使糊涂;C) reversed颠倒;reverse an order颠倒次序;D)perplexed使困惑、使费解。

  [译文] 络绎不绝的来访者妨碍了办公室的工作。

  107 Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only _____ the crisis. ( 03.1. 68 )

  A) accelerates B) prevails C) ascends D) precedes

  A) [考点] 动词辩异。此题意为山坡上的森林被砍伐掉种粮食,期待有好的结果,但是(but)这却加速了危机。accelerate the crisis 是一固定搭配。precede vi.在前面, 领先, 居先, 用在此题意思不符合。B) prevail流行, 盛行, 获胜; (常与against, over连用); C) ascend .攀登, 上升。


  108. The commission would find itself _____ at every turn if its members couldn’t reach an agreement. ( 02.6. 53 )

  A) collided B) savaged C) crumbled D) hampered

  D) [考点] 动词辨异。本题考查考生是否能从条件句(if)提供的线索找到合适的词。如果大家意见不一,某个集体的行动会受到什么样的影响呢?D) hamper 妨碍,束缚,限制,牵制;A) collide (with) 碰撞,冲突,抵触;B) savage v. (狗等)乱咬,激烈抨击;adj.残暴的,凶猛的,野蛮的; C) crumble vt. 弄碎;vi. 崩溃,瓦解。

  [译文] 如果它的成员不能达成一致, 委员会就会发现行动处处受到牵制。

  109. Small farms and the lack of modern technology have _____ agricultural production. ( 01.1. 52 )

  A) blundered B) tangled C) bewildered D) hampered

  D) [考点] 动词辨异。D)hampered妨碍,束缚,限制;A)blundered跌跌撞撞地走,犯错误;B)tangled(使)缠结,(使)乱作一团; C)bewildered使迷惑,难住。


  110. The morning news says a school bus _____ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately. ( 97.1. 63 )

  A) bumped B) collided C) crashed D) struck

  B) [考点] 动词辨异。本题所填单词要和with搭配,表示“相撞”之意,只有B)符合条件。B) collide (with) 碰撞,抵触;所撞物体通常都处于运动状态;A) bump (against / on / into) 撞,碰,撞击; C) crash (into) 碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁; 通常指飞机、汽车撞到地面、墙、树、建筑物等静止的物体;D) strike vt. 打,击,打击,敲。

  [译文] 早间新闻说一辆校车和一列火车在交叉路口相撞,一群警察被立即派往那里。

  111. Mary once _____ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music. ( 98.6. 54 )

  A) merged B) collaborated C) coincided D) constituted

  B) [考点] 动词辨异。本题考查和with 搭配的单词。根据题意,所填单词应该是表示“合作”的意思。B) collaborate (with) 与…合作,勾结;A) merge (使)合并;(into)融入,融合;C) coincide (with) 与...一致, 相同,相符合; D) constitute 构成,组成。

  [译文] 玛丽曾经和另外一个音乐家合作创作了一首流行乐曲。

  112. There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in _____ with its surroundings. ( 98.1. 51 )

  A) coincidence B) harmony C) uniform D) alliance

  D) [考点] 名词辨异。线索词“生命”和“环境”暗示所填词表示“和谐相处”的意思。B) harmony协调, 融洽, 和谐;in harmony with 与… 协调,和谐;A) coincidence 一致,巧合,巧合的事;by coincidence 碰巧, 由于巧合;C) uniform adj.统一的, 相同的, 一致的; n.制服; D) alliance联盟, 联合; in alliance with 与…联盟, 联合。

  [译文] 那个国家曾经有一个小镇,在那儿所有的生命都和其周围的环境相处和谐。

  113. He was looking admiringly at the photograph published by Collins in _____ with the Imperial Museum. ( 03.1. 42 )

  A) collection B) connection C) collaboration D) combination

  C) [考点] 短语辩异。In collaboration with 与…合作、协作,尤指创作与生产。本题中的photograph是一种创作,符合语境。In connection with 与…有关;无in collection with搭配;in combination with 与..结合、联合。


  114. This new laser printer is _____ with all leading software. ( 03.1. 50 )

  A) comparable B) competitive C) compatible D) cooperative

  C) [考点] 形容词辩异。本题考点在2001年6月58题考过,所填单词需要与with 搭配;A)和C) 形成近形干扰。C) compatible (with) 与..一致,兼容的;A) comparable可相比(with); 比得上的(to);类似的。B) competitive竞争的, 有竞争力的(价格);D) cooperative合作的, 协力的。


  115. What you say now is not _____ with what you said last week. ( 02.6. 49 )

  A) consistent B) persistent C) permanent D) insistent

  A) [考点] 形容词辨异。本题考查形近词-sistent辨析,和固定搭配。只有A)可以和with搭配。A) consistent (with) 一致的,符合的,坚持的,一贯的。B) persistent 坚持不懈的,持续的;D) insistent 坚持的,不容反对或拒绝的。C) permanent 永久的,持久的,固定的。

  [译文] 你现在所说的与你上星期所说的不一致。

  116. Being impatient is _____ with being a good teacher. ( 01.6. 58 )

  A) intrinsic B) ingenious C) incompatible D) inherent

  C) [考点] 形容词辩异。本题考查了短语be incompatible with sth 与某物不相容的,矛盾的。C) incompatible 不相容的、矛盾的,不调和的;A) intrinsic (价值)内在的、固有的、本质的;B) ingenious (人)机灵的,有独创性的,(物)精制的,精巧的;D) inherent 固有的、内在的。四个选项都是六级重点单词。

  [译文] 缺乏耐心是和成为一个好老师不相容的。

  117. The helicopter _____ a light plane and both pilots were killed. ( 01.1. 57 )

  A) coincided with B) stumbled on C) tumbled to D) collided with

  D) [考点] 短语辨异。干扰项coincide with与 collide with词形相近。D)collided with与…碰撞,冲突,抵触;A)coincided with同时发生,巧合,一致; B)stumbled on偶然遇到,碰巧找到;

  C)tumbled to(突然)明白,领悟。


  118. When you put up wallpaper, should you _____ the edges or put them next to each other? ( 00.6. 66 )

  A) coincide B) extend C) overlap D) collide

  C) [考点] 动词辩异。A) 和 D) 构成形近干扰,A) 和 C) 近义干扰。C) overlap (与...)交迭, 部分重叠。A) coincide位置重合, (几乎全部)重叠, 一致, 巧合。本题中只是将边缘(edges)重叠,故不能选A);D) collide 碰撞,相撞;B) extend 延伸,伸展。

  [译文] 你贴墙纸时,是将边缘相互重叠呢还是紧挨着?

  119. If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local _____. ( 99.1. 47 )

  A) collisions B) combats C) contradictions D) conflicts

  D) [考点] 名词辨异。考查了常见固定搭配regional conflicts 局部战争。D) conflicts (尤指长期的)战斗,战争,冲突;C) combats战斗,(尤指信仰、思想、党派间的)斗争,格斗;A) collisions (利益、意见、思想的)冲突,抵触,碰撞;C) contradictions 否认,反驳,矛盾说法,抵触行动。

  [译文] 要维护世界和平,各国就必须尽最大努力限制局部战争。

  120. The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed _____ to him, but one day he discovered their difference. ( 01.6. 67 )

  A) identical B) vertical C) parallel D) specific

  A) [考点] 形容词辨异。本题考查后面跟to的形容词。A)和C)都可以。But 暗示了空格处填的是后面difference的反义词。A) identical 相同的,同一的,同样的;C) parallel 平行的,类似的,并列的;B) vertical 垂直的,直立的。D) specific 明确的、具体的、特定的。

  [译文] 野生动物技师和生物学家的工作对他来说曾经是一样的,但有天他发现了它们之间的差别。

  121. The insurance company paid him $ 10,000 in _____ after his accident. ( 97.6 48 )

  A) compensation B) installment C) substitution D) commission

  A) [考点] 名词辨异。 本题所填词汇,与in构成介词短语,作句子状语。根据线索词The insurance company, 所填单词应该是“赔偿”的意思。A) compensation赔偿,补偿;in compensation 以作补偿;B)installment (分期付款的)一期付款;pay monthly installments按月付款; pay for sth. by / in monthly installments按月分期付款购买某物。C)substitution替代、代用品; in substitution for 代替;D)commission委托、佣金;in commission 可使用,在使用中。

  [译文] 事故之后,保险公司支付给他一万美元作为赔偿。

  122. We couldn’t really afford to buy a house so we got it on hire purchases and paid monthly _____. ( 02.6. 59 )

  A) investments B) requirements C) arrangements D) installments

  D) [考点] 名词辨异。本题考查了表示“分期付款”的固定说法。A) installment (分期付款的)一期付款;pay monthly installments按月付款; pay for sth. by monthly installments按月分期付款购买某物。很多考生选A) investment 投资,是因为不熟悉英文中的常见固定说法;B) requirement 需求,要求,必要条件;C) arrangement 排列,安排。

  [译文] 我们真买不起这套房子, 所以只好分期付款购买, 按月付款。

  123. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax _____ . ( 99.1 58 )

  A) efficiency B) revenues C) privileges D) validity

  B) [考点] 名词辨异。本题考查和tax搭配的单词。B) revenues 收入,税收,收益;annual revenue 岁入, 全年收入额;A) efficiency效率, 功效; C) privileges 特权,特别待遇,基本人权;an exclusive privilege专有特权; D) validity有效性, 合法性, 正确性。

  [译文] 这个城镇的计划委员会说他们对明年的经济前景保持乐观。他们预期税收收入将增加。

  124. Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major _____ in every family’s budget. ( 00.6. 49 )

  A) nutrition B) expenditure C) routine D) provision

  48.B) [考点] 名词辩异。本题考查在本句话的语境中和major搭配的词。Budget是线索词,决定了空格处只能填B) expenditure 开支、支出、花费;administrative expenditure行政开支; A) nutrition 营养;C) routine 常规、日常事务;D) provision 条款、供应。the provisions of lease租借条款

  [译文] 不管你是为了吃而活,还是为了活而吃,食物都是每一个家庭预算中的一笔重要开支。

  125. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ____. ( 00.6. 54 )

  A) pensions B) earnings C) salaries D) donations

  49.A) [考点] 名词辩异。本题考查根据上下文寻找最佳搭配的问题。Elderly Russians (老年俄罗斯人)和state(国家)决定了答案为A) pensions 退休金,养老金;B) earnings 工资,所得;C) salaries 薪水;annual salary年薪; D) donations 捐赠品,捐款。

  [译文] 老年俄罗斯人发现仅靠国家的养老金生活很艰难。

  126. The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight _____ are. ( 02.1 45 )

  A) payments B) charges C) funds D) prices

  B) [考点] 名词辨异。freight货物、货运, 我们要填的词和freight构成搭配关系。D) charges价钱、费用。freight charges 是货运费的意思。 再如service charges 服务费;A) payments 支付、付款;advance payment 预付, 预付款项; C) funds 基金、专款;circulating fund流动资金; D) price 价格、代价

  [译文] 煤的价格因运输距离的远近和运费的贵贱而波动。

  127. The court considers a financial _____ to be an appropriate way of punishing him. ( 98.1. 52 )

  A) payment B) obligation C) option D) penalty

  D) [考点] 名词辨异。本题考查和financial 搭配的名词。Punishing him 是线索词,决定了空格处要填表示惩罚的单词。D) penalty 处罚,罚款;A) payment付款, 支付, 报酬; payment on account 分期偿还; B) obligation义务, 职责, 债务; C) option .选项, 选择权; have no option but to (do) 除了...以外没有他法, 只好;stock option职工优先认股权

  [译文] 法庭认为经济处罚是惩罚他的合适方式。

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