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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/26 18:46  新东方


  上海新东方学校 四六级、考研写作明星教师 汪忠平

  Should the university campus be open to tourists?

  1. 名校校园正成为旅游新热点

  2. 校园是否应对公众开放人们看法不同

  3. 我认为。。。




  1. There is no consensus of opinions (there are some controversies) among people as to do sth (as to the view of sth)

  2. When it comes to sth, people’s ideas(views/notions/opinions) vary from person to person( from one to another):

  3. When asked about …, a divergence of opinions (on sth) arises:

  4. Nowadays (recently/these days/currently), there has been a heated discussion (a sensational debate) on the issue of sth.( on whether or not we should …)


  1. People who are against sth hold that___, others, however, contradict that ___

  2. some hold___ while others take it for granted ( firmly believe/ argue/ favor)___

  3. it is held that____, while it is also held that______

  4. as opposed to others who hold that____, a considerable proportion of people claim that____,


  When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way, but some other people do not agree with them, they think that reading extensively is better.(对读书方法的两种不同观点)

  Many people do not agree about opportunity. Some think that opportunity is so rare that only the luckiest persons have it. Others argue that everyone has opportunity at one time or another in his or her life. (对机遇的不同看法)

  There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of fate. Some people claim that everyone is born to a certain fate that he can not change, while some other people think that every man is the master of his own life. (对命运的两种不同观点)

  考试时碰到这种议论文,大家完全可以从上述两组句型中分别随意抽取一个句子组成一个总结式开头。如 “对大学生校外租房的不同看法”就可以很轻松地随便写出几种不同的版本:

  There is no consensus of opinions among people as to rent houses outside campus. It is held that renting houses outside campus allows students more freedom; while it is also held that this practice will do harm to students concerned.

  Currently, there has been a heated discussion on whether college students should be allowed to live outside campus. As opposed to others who hold that too much freedom will spoil the students, a considerable proportion of students claim that they are old enough to be their own master.


  There is no consensus of opinions among people as to whether the university campus should be open to tourists. As opposed to others who hold that university campus should be reserved for college students, a considerable proportion of people claim that this practice is beneficial.


  Nowadays a phenomenon has aroused considerable concern--- increasing number of tourists pour into university campus. As to the view of this phenomenon people’s ideas vary from one to another. It is held that this practice is welcome; while it is also held that this will do harm to people concerned.


  Nowadays a phenomenon has aroused considerable concern--- increasing number of tourists pour into university campus. Is this practice good or bad? As to the view of this phenomenon people’s ideas vary from one to another. It is held that this practice is welcome; while it is also held that this will do harm to people concerned. (56 words)


  What’s your reading habit? Shall we read selectively or extensively? People have different attitudes toward this question. Some hold the opinion that one should read selectively, choosing only those that are useful and helpful. The energy of a person is limited. So is a matter of how to use the limited energy in almost effective way, that is, how to get as much useful knowledge as possible. Only by reading selectively can one achieve this goal.


  Have you ever been abroad? Do you long to study overseas? Have you considered the advantage and disadvantage of furthering your study away from China? When asked these questions, a divergence of opinions arises. It is held that studying abroad will do more harm than good, while it is also held that it will at least off the person concerned a valuable experience.


  People who prefer ………………have their reasons: The first reason for their choice is, they maintain, that ………………………………………………………... Besides, ………, they go on to point out, ……………………………………………………... What is more important, ………………………………..they also claim that ………………………………………………………………………

  But others may not agree. They would argue that …………………………………………;What is worse, they emphasize, ……………………………………………………..(;Finally, they insist that …………………………………………………..

  Who is right? Of course both sides have their reasons. Were I to offer my choice, I would not hesitate a moment to say that I favor ………… After all, ……………………………………………………………………………………….


  People who prefer (to treat college as destination of tourists)have their reasons: The first reason for their choice is, they maintain, that (this will provide university an extra sum of money, will can help solve the university financial problem). Besides, (this practice), they go on to point out, (can help college students have contact with the outside world). What is more important,. they also claim that colleges can be soils for teenage tourists to cultivate their love for knowledge and truth.

  But others may not agree. They would argue that (this will inevitably distract college students from their study);What is worse, they emphasize, (tourists might leave some rubbish on the campus, which will ruin the beauty of campus).

  Who is right? Of course both sides have their reasons. Were I to offer my choice, I would not hesitate a moment to say that I favor (the former side). After all, (colleges and universities are public places as long as tourists take care not to cause trouble for colleges). (173 words0




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