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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/10 13:02  北京领航考研




  A Letter to Citizens of Beijing as to Improving Involvement in Preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games.

  Dear Countrymen

  I am writing the letter to call on all people in Beijing to perk up and do more work for the coming 2008 Olympic Games. As a common citizen here in the capital of our great motherland, I jumped over joy when news came saying we won the competition for hosting the great games, the first in our history.

  But after a month-long excitement, I started to think about the question: What can I do for the huge project? I had been left with helplessness for all the past months, like many people did. But now I came up with some ideas that might attract you and equip us all with sufficient confidence.

  Maybe I would be too old to be a volunteer in 2008, but I will start studying English, and two of three of other foreign languages if possible, to be able to communicate with friends from all corners of the world. We could have been making Beijing an international city in the proper sense of the word. Apart from that I will try to understand modern concepts about making a city, and a country, more beautiful, for example, environmental protection, community construction, city planning, and above all, the quality of being a citizen in the modern metropolis, and make positive efforts to put them into practice.

  Actually, we will not be making preparation for preparation’s sake. After 2008, I have all the reasons to be optimistic that Beijing, and our country, will be taking a strong position in the powers of the world.

  Please join me in the action and extend our excitement into a spirit that dares any possible difficulties!Thank you!

  Best wishes to Beijing and our country,

  Zhong Guan

  (A common citizen of Beijing)

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