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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/10 11:25  新浪教育


  ETS今天宣布,经GRE考试委员会批准,ETS将修改后的Graduate Record Examinations(GRE) General Test的开考日期推迟到2007年秋季。

  修改后的GRE General Test原定于2006年10月开考。可是由于ETS正在进行将考试从机

  ETS高等教育司高级副总裁Mari Pearlman说:“高等教育界尤其是研究生教育界对修改的GRE考试非常兴奋。他们已经和我们一起来设计新的考试,并且非常渴望使用新的考试。新的开考时间表将使我们能有更多的时间完成网考考点的建立。”

  在修改的GRE General Test正式开考以前,ETS将继续在目前的安全的考点使用现行的GRE General Test。Pearlman强调,57年以来研究生教育界已经持续使用General Test做为招生依据之一,ETS将一如既往的提供有效、可靠的成绩。





  ETS Announces New Launch Schedule for the Revised GRE? General Test

  Princeton, N.J. (February 8, 2006) —

  This press release is also available in Spanish (PDF).

  With the endorsement of the Graduate Record Examinations Board, ETS will launch the revised Graduate Record Examinations? (GRE?) General Test in the fall of 2007, company officials announced today.

  The revised exam was originally scheduled to launch in October 2006. However, the GRE Board believes that the delay will better serve test takers and graduate institutions as ETS transitions from the current computer- and paper-based forms of the test to the new Internet-based (iBT) version.

  “The higher education and graduate communities are excited about the revised GRE,” explains Mari Pearlman, Senior Vice President of ETS’s Higher Education Division. “They worked with us to create this revised test, and they are looking forward to using it. The new launch schedule will enable us to complete the expansion of our Internet-based testing operations worldwide.”

  Until the revised General Test is launched, ETS will continue to deliver the GRE General Test using the current network of secure, proctored test centers. Pearlman notes that the graduate community has relied on the General Test for 57 years and that ETS is committed to continuing to deliver valid and reliable scores with both the current and revised General Test.

  Test development, design and field testing will continue for the new GRE test. The new iBT delivery platform is already being used to deliver the innovative new Test of English as a Foreign Language? (TOEFL?) exam worldwide. ETS plans to improve student access to its tests by adding thousands of testing sites worldwide in the next two years.






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