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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/10 10:14  成都商报

  李作诗 树德中学高三英语教师、市学科带头人



  (1)The purpose of the reform is to make the farmers’life easier,()it more difficult.

  A.is not making B.not making

  C.does not make D.not to make

  (2)()your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

  A.If you check B.Checked

  C.Having checked D.Checking

  (3)Where was it yesterday morning()you met Tom?

  A.when B.that

  C.in which D.which

  (4)()two exams to worry about,Hans has to work much harder than before.

  A.For B.As C.Since D.With

  答案:D A B D


  (5)(),so her mother had to stay at home looking after her.

  A.Being ill B.Lucy being ill

  C.Lucy was ill D.As lucy was

  (6)Mrs Lynn has two daughters.(),as far as I remember,are both working in the US.

  A.whom B.and who

  C.who D.they

  (7)I’d like to buy a suitcase for my son,()at a proper price but of great use.

  A.that B.what C.one D.which

  (8)()is reported in today’s newspaper,the peace talk between the two nations has broken down again.

  A.It B.What C.As D.That

  答案:C D C C


  (9)-Are the roles working?

  -Yes,()pupils are dropping school now.

  A.few B.less C.a bit D .little

  (10)-Are you finishing the talk?

  -().We need no less than three hours more.

  A.Far from it B.Exactly C. Not a little D. No wonder

  (11)-I()to a party,but I’ve got nothing to wear.

  -Why not have a dress-made for you?

  A.have been invited B. will invite

  C.was invited D. have invited

  (12)Another month,()we are sure to get through building the road.

  A.so B.and C. otherwise D.or

  答案:A A A B





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