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2006年高考英语莫怕生词难解 巧猜词义过关

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/19 15:11  燕赵都市报





  There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms(症状).

  What is AIRCEPT?

  A、A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s

  B、A medicine to delay signs of aging

  C、A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s

  D、A medicine to cure brain damage

  解析:从上下文看,a drug called ARICEPT …… to help their symptoms就是给ARICEPT下的一个定义,故答案选C。



  The largest player -- Shanghai Bashi Tourism Car Rental offers a wide variety of choices -- deluxe sedans,minivans,station wagons,coaches,Santana sedans are the big favorite.

  The words “deluxesedans”,“minivans” and “stationwagons” used in the text refers to _______.

  A、cars in the making

  B、car rental firms

  C、cars for rent

  D、car makers




  Car rentals(出租) are becoming more and more popular as an inexpensive way of taking to the roads.




  Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs?The answer is “Yes”,according to the researchers at John Hopkins and three other medical centers.

  In Science/Health,“John Hopkins” is_______.

  A、a famous university

  B、a medical center

  C、a well-known doctor

  D、a drug company

  解析:从according to the researchers at John Hopkins and three other medical centers可推知,John Hopkins属于medical center范畴,故John Hopkins应当是amedical center,答案为B。



  Finally although some social science majors may still find it more difficult than their technically trained classmates to land the first job,recent graduates report that they don’t regret their choice of study.

  The underlined word “land” in the last paragraph probably means______.

  A、keep for some time

  B、successfully get

  C、immediately start

  D、lose regretfully

  解析:land的宾语是the first job,根据词义搭配,可以推断land的含义应该是得到,故答案B,“成功地得到”。


  有的句子通过用含有表示意思转折的连词、副词及其短语如:although,though,however,but,nevertheless,yet,still,instead,on the other hand,on the contrary等,此时可根据意思的转折很容易地猜出词义。还有的在描述、说明事物的时候常使用反义词来说明或描述另一事物的特征,因此考生可通过已知的反义词去推测未知的生词的含义。例如NMET2002全国E篇74题。

  A child’s birthday party doesn’t have hassle;it can be a basket of fun,according to Beth Anaclerio,an Evaston mother of two,ages 4 and 18 months.

  What does the underlined word “hassle” (Paragraph 1) probably mean?

  A、a party designed by specialists

  B、a plan requiring careful thought

  C、a situation causing difficulty or trouble

  D、a demand made by guest

  解析:文中先说孩子的生日聚会不“hassle”,后面紧接着对比说“it can be a baske to ffun”,显然hassle与fun在意义上是相反的,因此可推知答案为C,“麻烦,费力之事”。






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