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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/17 13:51  点点英语


  An announcement for a voluntary program

  1. 校学生会组织一次暑假志愿活动,现招聘志愿者

  2. 本次活动的目的、内容及安排

  3. 报名条件和联系方式

  Model Essay:

  Dear fellow students,

  Attention, please! We are now recruiting volunteers to participate in (take part in / get involved in) a voluntary program held by the student union during the summer break.

  The details of our activity are listed as follows. First, this activity is aimed at cultivating (giving a boost to ) your sense of responsibility, broadening your vision and sharpening your edge because, as our economy evolves at an incredible speed, it is becoming increasingly vital for young adults in the Ivory Tower to get in touch with the real world. Second, our activity begins at July 10th and ends at July 20th. . Plus, the schedule involves blood donation, looking after senior citizens and conducting a survey on the city's traffic system to put forward our suggestions.

  Any full-time or part-time students in our college are welcomed to join our team. For further information, please call us at 135****** or send your email to studentunion@asp.edu.cn.

  Come on, guys!





  人: individual / character / folk / young adult / old adult / senior citizen / people in their late adulthood

  网络: the net / the Internet / the web / the virtual world / the electronic world / the cyber world

  地球: earth / the Planet earth / our Mother Planet / global village

  电脑: the computer / the machine / the device

  校园: the campus / the Ivory Tower / the relatively isolated place

  社会: the society / the real world

  中国: China / the Middle Kingdom / this ancient country

  随着...的发展: As... evolves

  ...变的越来越重要.. is becoming increasingly vital

  ...变的越来越普遍.. is becoming increasingly prevalent

  人们对...越来越重视 People have a growing respect for sth.

  人们重视/看中/珍爱某物 place a high value on sth.

  增强竞争力 sharpen one's edge

  使某人具有优势力 give sb. the edge

  ...很重要 is vital / crucial / essential

  起...重要作用 play a central role in

四级难度调查: 太难了 一般 不难    参加考后讨论
考完感觉: 十拿九稳 应该能过 心里没谱 唉,别提了







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