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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/17 17:15  北京新航道学校


  作者:北京新航道学校美籍英语教学专家王渊源(John Gordon)

   Volunteers Needed

  Travel across the country!

  Use the knowledge you have learned!

  Make a difference in children's lives!

  This summer, the Student Union is organizing a group of students to teach basic English to elementary students in Guizhou, and we are currently looking for volunteers just like you!

  We will be traveling by train to Guizhou, and will spend three weeks teaching students in the countryside. Our goal is not only to teach the students basic English, but also to encourage them to continue their education in the future.

  All students who have free time this summer, enjoy working with children, and have passed the CET-6 are eligible to volunteer. Be sure to sign up quickly, as we only have twelve openings for volunteers. This summer could change your life and the lives of many children!

  Interested? Please call 6324-1334 to sign up!


  作者:北京新航道学校 钟平

  Dear Fellow Classmates:

  As summer vacation is just around the corner, our School Students Union is organizing a voluntary teaching program this summer and we are hoping for your participation.

  The teaching program is designed to offer courses to some rural middle schools in northwestern China where teaching facilities are extremely limited. Program members will provide basic courses covering computer skills, English, history and other practical fields to students there. Recruitment will be closing on June 1st, and we are scheduled to set off on June 4th to give lectures for an hour each day for 20 days there. The team will be returning on June 24th .

  We are convinced that your participation will bring remarkable value to both you and the children. All students who are interested are encouraged to attend our qualification test on May 15th. For further information, please feel free to call 01062138899, or you may email your questions to newchannel@newchannel.org.
您认为6月17日的四级作文: 一般 不难
四级难度调查: 太难了 一般 不难    参加考后讨论
考完感觉: 十拿九稳 应该能过 心里没谱 唉,别提了







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