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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/17 20:01  沪江英语

  上海新东方学校阅读明星教师 郭将 乐柯键 赵胤


  21. D Showing violence is thought to be entertaining

  22. B Most studies exaggerate the effect of media violence on the viewers.

  23. C assert a direct line between violent media and aggressive behavior.

  24. D their definition of violence

  25. A More studies should be conducted before conclusions are drawn.

  26. A A quarter of Americans can’t afford their prescription drubs.

  27. B extending medical insurance to all its citizens

  28. B High prices are essential to funding research on new drugs.

  29 C To allow the vast majority to enjoy its benefits.

  30. C Reducing supplies to uncooperative Canadian pharmacies.

  31. A offering senior citizens discounts has become routine commercial practice

  32. C The elderly, being financially underprivileged, need humane help from society.

  33. B intensify conflicts between the young and the old

  34. C It benefits the old at the expense of the young.

  35. D Senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age discrimination.

  36. A crime against humanity

  37. C deep-rooted socio-economic inequality

  38. C There is no guarantee for blacks to exercise their rights.

  39. D has been accumulated from generations of slavery

  40. B Inequality of many kinds remains virtually untouched.

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考完感觉: 十拿九稳 应该能过 心里没谱 唉,别提了



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