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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/26 19:45  北京新航道学校

  In many foreign universities it is common for students to choose their professor. When students choose their courses for the year, a list of the professors’ names also is provided.

  When students are choosing a professor, the first thing to consider is if he / she is well known in their field. You might want to check if they have
published many books or articles. You also might want to ask others if this lecturer is in a position to give you recommendations for work or graduate school.

  The benefit of selecting your own teacher is that it gives students a feeling of responsibility for their education. The drawback, however, is that sometimes students often base their choices on other students’ opinions. Teachers who give higher marks tend to be popular whereas those who have higher expectations, even if a better teacher, might not be well liked.(148字)







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