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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/19 15:08  北京环球时代学校



  I. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9.D 10. A

  II. 1. filters 改成 filtering 2. charged of改为in charge of 3. as 改成 though 4. that 改为what 5. 去掉so much 6. precept 改成precepts 7. version 改为revision 8. according 后面加to 9. 去掉which后面的it 10. with 改成for.

  III. Passage 1

  1. tide 2. around 3. focus 4. causes 5. communicate 6. otherwise 7. from 8. led 9. throwing 10. activities

  Passage 2

  1. to 2. it 3. played 4. owned 5. incompatible/conflicting 6. Consider 7. deny 8. defeated 9. for 10. heels


  1. Because if women keep their conventional image of weakness, they can never grow up mentally as well as physically and can never become independent. In order to obtain true self-esteem and happiness and to avoid being the subject of pity and being looked down upon by men, women should reject various symptoms of weakness.

  2. Traditional feminine diction and style are symbols of men's condescending attitude toward women. Those womanly phrases are employed to make women's dependence on men less obvious and more acceptable. However, in the author’s opinion, a person's inner virtues and his/her character as a human being is much more important than the so-called elegance on the surface. Women's writing as well as their daily talks should put emphasis on the content and usefulness instead of style. Thus they can express themselves as freely and effectively as men.

  3. The author believes that due to women's traditional education, which weakens their mental as well as bodily strength and from which they gain few real accomplishments, the only way for them to rise in the world is to get married. Such a desire makes women act like animals or children but not human beings in its real sense. Thus they only pursue pleasures but are unable to shoulder the responsibilities of running a family or taking care of their own babies, and they will lose their position in a family or marriage and become completely useless as soon as they outlive their youthfulness aw beautifulness.

  4. Traditionally, women spend the first years of their lives obtaining few achievements as human beings. Instead, they are trained to behave like mere animals or children according to the so-called notions of beauty and their physical and mental abilities are underdeveloped. Therefore, they can establish themselves and pursue pleasures only through marriage. In other words, their education rendered them frivolous and weak. Their present behavior, the result of their education, demonstrates excessive fondness for pleasure and a lack of ambition and noble pursuit. Thus, their conduct and their education also reflect the concept of their frivolity and weakness.


  1. It is a blessing that foolish men get married with foolish women. It is exquisite that intelligent men stay with wise women. If unfortunately, they are mismatched, then life is diminished to days.

  The essence of all music is melancholy and sentimental just like the feeling when you see the stream, flowing under the bright son, cannot take any clouds going upstream away with it while the fallen leaves flow away with the stream by themselves without hesitation.

  Beautiful women are the clouds that do not even throw a glance at the wild geese making few cries in the sky in the bright and clear moonlight of deep autumn. Then the man named Sima Xiangru followed the beautiful woman Zhuo Wenjun back to that night two thousand years ago. By the moon on the Bashan Mountain, one of them was playing the xiao, a vertical bamboo flute; the other was playing the se, a stringed plucked instrument. They lived their everyday life in such a refined and graceful way.

  However, at the noon about eight hundred years later, in the seclusion of the palace of the Tang Dynasty, Yang Yuhuan was lying languidly in the emperor's arms, listening to the excellent performance of the musicians, dozing off. Upon hearing the rapid clatters of horses' hoofs coming from the distant south, yawning, she asked the man to tell her whether the post house runners delivering litchis were coming. The man replied yes. Looking at the men, the woman smiled contentedly, and then lifted her delicate and charming body and sat up immediately. Her bright eyes, looking over the sweat-drenched and dust-covered post house runner, were sucking greedily at the sensuous red fruit from the south. At that time, music was an awkward background and the emperor also serves as a dispensable foil to her.

  Music without the soul can only be scattered music notes one after another. Perhaps you haven't yet found your own music or the beauty that cares to listen to you making your inner voice heard.







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