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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/08 09:46  北京安通学校

  1. Nobody has the right to ________ his thought on others.

  A. impose B. effect C. influence D. enforce

  2. His work is better than ___________.

  A. anyone else B. anyone else’s C. anyone D. anyone’s else

  3. We must __________ a solid foundation for the development of our agriculture.

  A. lie B. put C. lay D. raise

  4. I am not really ill, but I have a ___________ headache.

  A. slight B. obvious C. delicate D. temporary

  5. Don’t worry about the patient; it’s only ____________ of hours till the doctor arrives.

  A. an affair B. a business C. a thing D. a matter

  6. If you were _________ in the street, would you be able to defend yourself?

  A. destroyed B. violated C. attacked D. offended

  7. You should learn to __________ well when the visitors are present.

  A. act B. behave C. do D. conduct

  8. The new regulations will ___________ into force on October 1 next year.

  A. come B. become C. bring D. begin

  9. Several major criminals ___________ from the guards and escaped from the jail.

  A. broke through B. broke out C. broke up D. broke away

  10. In order to strengthen his arguements, Toffler _________ respectable social scientists who agree with him.

  A. recites B. confirms C. quotes D. convinces

  11. The girl felt extremely ___________ and uneasy when she could answer the teacher’s question.

  A. curious B. amazed C. amused D. awkward

  12. After the operation, the doctor advised him to ___________ as a hobby to relax.

  A. take up B. take into C. take off D. take on

  13. He rode his bicycle too quickly on the crowded street and had a _________.

  A. clash B. crush C. crash D. fall

  14. The question is _________ me and I am completely at a loss.

  A. beyond B. beside C. exceed D. over

  15. The messenger ___________ his horse and ran in the direction of the country without delay.

  A. climbed B. mounted C. ascended D. rose

  16. At that moment everyone was silent and she felt she could hear the _______ of her heart.

  A. striking B. knocking C. tapping D. beating

  17. He was born into a ___________ family and received good education. That was the reason why he achieved success so easily.

  A. respectful B. respectable C. respecting D. respective

  18. There should be a meeting as scheduled today, but it has ________ to next Friday for some reason.

  A. transmitted B. postponed C. cancelled D. delayed

  19. The taxi driver was seriously __________ when his car crashed into a lorry.

  A. injured B. damaged C. hurt D. wounded

  20. You must try to ____________ yourself to the new life in the university as soon as possible.

  A. regulate B. adopt C. adapt D. adept

  21. The working of the machine ___________ that of the human brain.

  A. compromises with B. corresponds with

  C. competes with D. communicates with

  22. It seems, according to scientists, that a person’s mood also has monthly __________.

  A. circles B. orbits C. circuits D. cycles

  23. The regulation does not __________ of any other explanation.

  A. permit B. grant C. allow D. present

  24. The victims’ families of the murder have _________ to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.

  A. accused B. attracted C. appealed D. charged

  25. Pack the biscuit in a strong box, or it will get _______________ during the delivery.

  A. crushed B. crashed C. smashed D. clashed

  26. You should ___________ aside a little money every month from your salary lest you should use them in the future.

  A. brush B. set C. put D. push

  27. The news of the air crash has not been ___________ by the media. Don’t worry too much about it.

  A. reformed B. affirmed C. confirmed D. informed

  28. Many failures in communication ___________ from mutual misunderstanding.

  A. appear B. raise C. rise D. arise

  29. “Did you do something like that before?” “Of course not. That would be _________ my dignity.”

  A. above B. over C. beneath D. beyond

  30. If you want to start a business, it is essential for you to raise considerable ___________.

  A. capital B. investments C. savings D. income

  31. Today’s outing has been completely _________ by a sudden thunderstorm.

  A. ruined B. spoilt C. damaged D. destroyed

  32. His wife is a very _________ housekeeper as she always buys things at the lowest possible price.

  A. economy B. economics C. economic D. economical

  33. The greatest inventor Thomas Edison said that his success should be ___________ to 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.

  A. contributed B. executed C. attributed D. devoted

  34. The novelist ____________ the newly-released book to his wife in the preface to it.

  A. dedicated B. indicated C. presented D. advertised

  35. The policeman on his rounds caught the thief in the very ___________ of stealing.

  A. action B. act C. deed D. performance

  36. During his whole life, even if he became a famous man, Nobel tried to avoid ____________.

  A. public B. publication C. publicity D. popularity

  37. The brand of this cotton sweater is __________ to that one in quality.

  A. prior B. senior C. junior D. inferior

  38. The Seoul Olympic Games have been relayed _________ to the whole world.

  A. live B. alive C. living D. lively

  39. The submarine emits a __________ succession of supersonic wave to probe the objects.

  A. contingent B. continual C. continuous D. consequent

  40. That night when I was in bad mood, I dropped _______ his house and had a little drink.

  A. off B. at C. down D. in

  41. The output of the grain this year is _____________ that of last year.

  A. twice as much as B. twice as much

  D. twice many as D. twice as many as

  42. Although the twins are very much alike, yet they seem to have nothing ________ in taste.

  A. together B. for all C. mutually D. in common

  43. The only access _________ that mountainous village is through a muddy path.

  A. for B. to C. across D. in

  44. Eating and sleeping take up _________________.

  A. mostly one’s hour of time B. nearly most of one’s life

  C. the majority portion of one’s life D. a majority of times of one’s life

  45. It’s time for the airliner to ______________.

  A. take up B. take on C. take away D. take off

  46. The difference __________ the fact that they are from distinctive cultural background.

  A. lies in B. lies on C. relies on D. leads to

  47. Considering that he has made great contributions to the development of our company, Mr. Smith __________ a good salary.

  A. reserves B. deserves C. preserves D. conserves

  48. Many students today are quite ____________ their grades at the end of the semester.

  A. concerned with B. concerned to C. concerned in D. concerned about

  49. Having been worrying about the safety of her child, she lay __________ awake the whole night.

  A. quite B. very C. wide D. fast

  50. The old mother watched the plane until it ___________ in the distance.

  A. varnished B. drifted C. submerged D. vanished

  51. Candidates who wish to _______ from the examination must notify the secretary immediately.

  A. resign   B. remove   C. suspend   D. withdraw 

  52. I never expect you to __________ at the meeting. I thought you were abroad.

  A. turn on B. turn out  C. turn up   D. turn off 

  53. This company has decided to ________ its main office from Hong Kong to Pudong Development Zone in Shanghai.

  A. transfer B. transform   C. transplant  D. transport 

  54. According to Nobel’s famous will,the interest on his fund will be ________ to those who have made the greatest contributions to mankind during the previous year. 

  A. devoted B. diawarded   C. reserved   D. assisted 

  55. Everyone else was killed in the accident. I was the only one to ___________.

  A. relieve B. alive C. release D. survive 

  56. Though his appearance has changed so much,I recognized him the ________ I saw him.

  A. instantly B. moment   C. occasion   D. time 

  57. Colour-blind people often find it difficult to ___________ between blue and green.

  A. distinct B. distinguish  C. separate   D. divide 

  58. The medicine the doctor prescribed to me ____________ my headache. 

  A. reduced B. freed C. released    D. relieved 

  59. Social and political instability in one country sometimes _______ from underdevelopment in its economy. 

  A. raises B. rises  C. causes   D. arises 

  60. To our _________, Michael’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.

  A. anxiety B. eyes C. relief   D. judgment 

  61. The tourist industry __________ greatly to the economy of that country. 

  A. supports B. benefits C. assists D. contributes 

  62. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become __________.

  A. spoiled B. damaged  C. harmed  D. hurt 

  63. His _________ has always been to become an architect.

  A. want B. imagination C. ambition   D. direction

  64. He knows all Shakespeare’s sonnets by ___________.

  A. head B. heart   C. mind   D. memory 

  65. It need hardly be said that a man who could ________ such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courage and moral strength. 

  A. make the best of        B. catch up with 

  C. get rid of           D. put up with 

  66. We were _________ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.

  A. kept off     B. held up   C. putback     D. broken down

  67. She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn’t my ___________ to hurt her.

  A. implication B. indication   C. intention     D. invasion

  68. When hearing the police siren, the thieves dropped their ________ and fled.

  A. limp B. plunder     C. lid        D. loop

  69. The doctor used strong medicine to _________ the sick child of cold.

  A. restore B. cure      C. treat      D. recover

  70. One of the famous _________ in the United States was Henry Ford.

  A. industrious B. industries C. industrializations D. industrialists

  71. His marked personality changes were __________ by a series of unfortunate events.

  A. carried on B. counted on C. brought about  D. made up

  72. Tom was so obviously sorry for his mistake that we ________ him.

  A. forgave B. pardoned    C. excused     D. forgot

  73. They voted to _________ the office of second vice president.

  A. decorate B. create C. improve D. abolish

  74. Most young people are __________ on their parents, even after thay find a decent job.

  A. dependent B. relative C. missed D. worthwhile

  75. This flower is extremely ________ smoke, would you mind smoking outside?  

  A. sensitive of B. sensitive to C. sensible of D. sensible to

  76. In his lecture he __________ the importance of education by giving full details of the most serious problems caused by the educational system.

  A. talked about  B. reported on  C. dealt with   D. dwelt on 

  77. Don’t worry any more; your daughter now is safely _________ a nurse.

  A. in charge of     B. in the charge of

  C. charges D. takes charge of

  78. If someone is frowning, we can ___________ that she or he is sad or angry.

  A. infer B. claim C. anticipate D. acknowledge

  79. The new apartment built few months ago is large enough to ________over two hundred people.

  A. locate B. reside C. settle D. accommodate

  80. A river ____________ through the narrow wooded valley below.

  A. extends B. pours C. expands D. twists


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