把握英语文章的重点 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/12 14:39 新东方 | |||||||||
英语文章的重点主要有以下几点: 1.强转折:通常由“but, yet, however”引导。因为转折的作用一般来说是对前面的否定,对后面的肯定,因此转折词后面引导的成分往往是出题人容易出题的地方。特别是在文章中出现but。
2.比较处:通常形式为“more/less---than---”。比较的作用在于通过比较突出某一点。比如more A than B的结构中,很显然是强调A,那么考生直接在A处划线,重点关注A就可以了。以此类推,less A than B,很显然是强调B,那么就直接在B处化线。它们是出题人喜欢出题的地方。 3.主旨句、主题句。这两个概念在上面写作部分我已经讲过。因为他们是高度概括性的句子,直接反映出作者的写作目的和意图,因此也是出题人的出题点。 另外还有因果句、特殊以文具、独立成段句、长难句乃至特殊标点符号等,都是需要考生在第一遍阅读时候,要划出的重点。 第三步,定位原文解剖句子。 就是在读完一遍文章的基础上,再看一遍问题。带着题干中的关键词迅速回原文定位,即找出这个问题出现在原文的第几段第几行。需要注意的一点,四级出题顺序由于是高度一致,所以一定要在文章当中找到出处。许多考生由于找不到出处,只能是凭第一遍的印象去猜答案,很显然做题准确性一定不高。 第四步,比较选项定答案。 在读懂文章句子的基础上,然后再次回到问题上来。看一下ABCD四个选项哪一个于原文中的意思是相对应的。当然在这个比较筛选过程中,很多同学往往会排除一到两个选项,剩下的两个选项就处于犹豫阶段,自己很难取舍。这在下面的如何提高做题准确率中讲到。 第五步,主旨态度最后做。 所谓主旨态度最后做就是,如果在五个问题中,第一个问题就问你,文章的中心思想、作者的写作意图或者做这些这篇文章的态度是什么。这时候考生可以先放过去。因为考生阅读第一遍文章的时候,只是掌握住文章粗枝大叶,这时候对文章还没有形成一个比较全面地了解。因此可以先放过去先做其他四个问题,待做完其他四个问题的时候再去作主旨题或是态度题,这样准确率就比较高一些。千万不要小看这一变化。这类题目作对的正确与否有可能直接决定着其他四个选项的正确率。 按照上述五步阅读法,我们来举例说明: ①Is there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge(保护区)(ANWR)to help secure America’s energy future? President Bush certainly thinks so. He has argued that tapping ANWR’s oil would help ease California’s electricity crisis and provide a major boost to the country’s energy independence. But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth. With the last government survey, conducted in 1998, protecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels. ②The oil industry goes with the high end of the range, which could equal as much as 10% of U.S. consumption for as long as six years. By pumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for the next two three decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia. Sounds good. An oil boom would also mean a multibillion-dollar windfall (意外之材) in tax revenues, royalties(开采权使用费) and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government. Best of all, advocates of drilling say, damage to the environment would be insignificant. “We’ve never had a document case of oilrig chasing deer out onto the pack ice.” says Alaska State Representative Scott Ogan. ④Not so far, say environmentalists. ③Sticking to the low end of government estimate, the National Resources Defense Council says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR, a drop in the bucket that would do virtually nothing to ease America’s energy problems. And consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any benefits, because drilling could begin only after much bargaining over leases, environmental permits and regulatory review. ⑤As for ANWR’s impact on the California power crisis, environmentalists point out that oil is responsible for only 1% of the Golden State’s electricity output and just 30% of the nation’s. 1. What does President Bush think of tapping oil in ANWR? A. It will exhaust the nation’s oil reserves. B. It will help secure the future of ANWR. C. It will help reduce the nation’s oil imports. D. It will increase America’s energy consumption. 2. We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry A. believe that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high yields. B. Tends to exaggerate America’s reliance on foreign oil. C. Shows little interest in tapping oil in ANWR. D. Expects to stop oil imports from Saudi Arabia. 3. Those against oil drilling in ANWR argue that A. It can cause serious damage to the environment. B. It can do little to solve U.S. energy problems. C. It will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region. D. It will not much commercial value. 4. What do the environmentalists mean by saying “Not so fast” (Line .1, Para.3 ) A. Oil exploitation takes a long time. B. The oil drilling should be delayed. C. Don’t be too optimistic. D. Don’t expect fast returns. 5. It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath ANWR’s frozen earth A. remains a controversial issue. B. Is expected to get under way soon. C. Involves a lot of technological problems. D. Will enable the U.S. to be oil independent. 首先第一步扫描题干抓关键,划出题干关键词。黑体下划线部分。 第二步,快速浏览全文,把握文章主旨大意标重点。黑体下划线部分为重点。 第三步,定位原文解剖句子。数字符标记处。你会发现和你读文章时化出的重点是高度吻合的。 第四步,比较选项定答案。黑体划线部分。 第二、克服不良阅读习惯 之所以读不快是应为很多考生存在一些不良的阅读习惯。比如说: 1.把英语译成汉语。大部分考生阅读速度比较慢,主要是存在这个问题。我们说阅读是精读加泛读的过程。其实一篇阅读理解真正精读的只有五句话,其他的成分一般需要泛读或者略读。所谓精度就是每一个词每一个句子都力求读懂;而所谓的泛读就是指理清关系大意即可,至于难句难词一是导致理解障碍可以忽略不计。很多考生由于没有掌握住这个方法,所以把整篇文章个通读一遍并翻译了一遍。所以他们最终作的是一个翻译工作,时间自然就消耗很多。 2.遇到难词就停下来,或者查字典或是绞尽脑汁猜测其具体的含义。英语阅读理解当中,没有必要把每一个单词都读懂。我们关键是能否在读完文章之后,把与问题相关的几个句子找出来。因此,遇到生词,我们可以尝试猜词。一旦猜不出,不要做过多停留,先跳过即可。不要影响正常阅读速度。 3.默读。要改掉这个习惯比较难。 究其原因就是在于考生对单词的熟练度不够。由于大量的单词不认识,必然造成阅读理解上的障碍。所以我们平时要加强单词的记忆,另外进行相关的快速阅读的强化训练。相信通过以上训练,会逐渐克服这一毛病。 除此之外,考生还存在以下两个问题: 一是不会按照“意群”来阅读。所谓“意群”,说得通俗一点就是“意思的群体”,它可以向读者传达一组信息。比如,介词短语、不定式、长主语等都可以视为一个意群。因此,我们在阅读理解的过程中,一旦遇到上述地方(介词短语、不定式、长主语等),需要停顿一下。有效的断开句子,分清意群,不仅可以提高阅读速度,更便于读者对文章的理解。二是,在阅读过程中,文章的有些内容是不需要读的。比如说: 1.人名地名后的修饰成分; 2.插入语(其用法在上面已提到); 3.定语从句等修饰主语的成分 例如: Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others.(黑体划线处就是可以略读的或是根本不需要读) 更多信息请访问:新浪四六级频道 |