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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/30 09:57  学苑中心

  Please hand in within 4 days.


  1Fill in the blanks with the proper words you think right.选择你认为正确的单词填空

  1. affect effect fact ,make up, deficit artificial defeat

  1.The advertising war didn’t have much _______ on sales. 这些广告对销售额没__________.

  2.I want you give me 500 Yuan to _______ for my losses. 我让你赔我500元来________我损失.

  3.Smoking ______ health. 吸烟_______ 健康.

  4.We must make judgement according to the ______ (s).我们必须根据______ 来做判断

  5.The president have reported a ________ of $24000 this financial year. 总裁报告本财政年度24000 美元_______.

  6.They were ________ in the football match. 他们在足球比赛中被_________.

  7.I cannot stand her _______ behaviors. 我无法忍受她_______的行为

  2. act active, actually , exact, agent, transaction , act as

  1.she was praised for her brave __________ 他因为勇敢的_____而受到表扬

  2.________, we are the final winner. ________, 我们是最终的胜利者

  3.I want you to give me an _______ answer. 我要你给我一个_______ 的回答.

  4.He is an _______ member of this team. 他是这个小组一位______的成员.

  5.I lost money by the ________ 我因这笔_______ 而损失了钱财.

  6.We are going to find an _____ for our new kitchenware.我们正要为我们的新厨房设备找个________.

  7.He _____ the financial departmen director of this company

  3. influence, flow, refuse , confuse flu fluently

  1.Under the _______ of his father, he made up his mind to become a doctor.

  在其父亲_______ 下,他立志成为一名医生.

  2.I always _______ China with Chille in spelling.

  3.She speaks French _______ 她法语说得很________.

  4.John required the police man not to fine him but was ________ .john要求警察不要罚款但被警察_______

  5.People goes upward and water ______ downward.

  6.Bird _____ has claimed the lifes of thousands in South East Asia.

  4. currency , occur, course , current

  1.We watch CCTV at 19:00 pm to learn ______ affairs.

  2.Greenback is hard _______ for people around the world. 美元对各国人民来说是_______.

  3.It never ____ed to his parents to ask where he had been .他的父母从没有___ 他去哪里.

  4.In the _____ of our talk, he came.

  5. recall restore regret retreat reward remove

  1.We want to _____ this table from the corner of that room to my office.

  2.I can not _____ what had happened then .

  3.I _____ spending so much money on a car.

  4.The government spent a lot of money to ______ the building to its original magnificance.

  5.The director _____ him for his brave deeds last month.

  6.We mustn’t _____ from real life. 我们不能______ 现实

  6. subway suburb suffer surrender suggest superior surrounded

  1.She lives in the ______s.

  2.I take ______ to go to my work unit

  3.54% Japanese children _______ from fatty lives.

  4.I _____ we not go there.

  5.His position is _____ to mine.

  6.Qianzhongshu is famous for his novel A ______ city.

  7.Finally, the enemy ______without condition.

  7. predict, preschool premium prevent preview

  1.He successfully _____ ed the winer of this Championship.

  2.We must attach the importance to the ______ education.

  3.Few guests ______ this film.

  4.Nothing can ____ us from achieving our goal.

  5.The workers in this factory can get 300 yuan for shift ________ .

  8.disable disorder disease discount dismiss differ

  1.We should try all means to help the ______d.

  2.The doctor couldn’t find the cause of this _______.

  3.The shoppers were given 50% ______ in this store on Monday.

  4.The class was in ______ when the teacher left for hospital.

  5.The product of this kind _____ greatly from that one.

  9.weather/ whether

  I wonder ____ the fine ______ can hold out for a few more days.

  10.Precede在----- 之前/ preceed向前

  1.He left the train at King’s Cross and ________ home on foot.

  2. The playing of the National Anthem ______ all sports events.

  2. Read the following passage by paying attention the meanning of the blackened words.


  At all age and at all stages of life, fear presents a problem to almost everyone. “We are largely the

  在人生的各年龄段和各阶段, 恐惧对所有人都代表-- 成了一种问题。在很大程度上我们是

  playthings of our fears,” wrote the British author Horace Walpole many years ago. “To one, fear

  恐惧的玩物,英国作家Horace Walpole许多年前写到。“有的人恐惧黑暗,而对于别人而言,

  of the dark; to another, of physical pain; to a third of public ridicule; to a fourth, of poverty; to

  恐惧就是身体疼痛, 3分之1的人恐惧公共场合被嘲笑,1/4人恐惧贫困,孤独,

  loneliness ---- for all of us our particular creature waits in a hidden place.”


  Fear is often a useful emotion. When you become frightened, many physical changes occur

  恐惧并不是一无是处的情感,而恰恰相反。 当你受到惊吓时候,会发生许多身体变化

  within your body. Your heartbeat and responses quicken; your pupils expand to admit more light;

  你的心跳和反映加速, 你的瞳孔扩张以吸收更多的光线,

  a large quantities of energy-producing adrenaline (肾上腺素)are poured into your


  bloodstream. Confronted with a fire or accident, fear can fuel life-saving flight(逃离). Similarly,

  血流。 面对火或突发事件, 恐惧能促使你逃离求生。 同样,

  when a danger is psychological rather than physical, fear can force you to take self-protective

  当危险是一种心理的因素而非身体因素时, 恐惧可迫使你采取自我保护措施。

  measures It is only when fear is disproportional to the danger at hand that it becomes a problem.


  Some people are simply more vulnerable to fear than others. A visit to the newborn nursery of

  恐惧面前有些人比起其他人更脆弱。 参观

  any large hospital will demonstrate that, from the moment of their births, a few fortunate infants

  任何 大

医院的新生儿保健室就说明, 从出生的那刻起, 只有少数幸运的婴儿

  respond calmly to sudden fear-producing situations such as a loudly slammed door. Yet a


  neighbor in the next bed may cry out with profound fright. From birth, he or she is more prone to

  的婴儿可能会大哭出来, 表现出 (影响深远---)剧烈的恐惧。从生下来开始,他或它就


  learn fearful responses because he or she has inherited a tendency to be more sensitive.

  学会对恐惧做出反应,因为他或她 已经被(遗传)继承了一种能让人更敏感的心理倾向。

  Further, psychologists know that our early experiences and relationships strongly shape and determine our later fears. A young man named Bill, for example, grew up with a father who

  进一步而言, 心理学家们知道我们早期(对恐惧的)体验和以及(恐惧与反应)的关系很大程度上决定了我们日后恐惧的状态。比如一个叫比尔的年轻人,他的爸爸将每次挫折

  regarded each adversity as a temporary obstacle to be overcome with imagination and


  courage. Using his father as am model ,Bill came to welcome adventure and to trust his own

  将他的父亲视做榜样, 比尔逐渐学会了笑对危难,并相信自己解决问题

  ability to solve problems.


  Phil’s dad, however, spent most of his time trying to protect himself and his family. Afraid to


  risk the insecurity of a job change, he remained unhappy in one position. He avoided long

  他干每件工作都不很开心。 他躲避过长假

  vacations because “the car might break down. “ Growing up in such a home, Phil naturally

  因为感觉 “小轿车可能会抛锚 ”。 在这样的家庭环境里长大,自然地非耳

  learned to become fearful and tense.



  Match words with sentences:

  promotion protect present produce profound pour psychologists propotion

  1.I have a gift to _______ you .

  2.The farmers always go to the country fair to sell their _______.

  3.______ in this hospital are required to treat the victims of the disaster immediately.

  4.The new employees are not in ______ to the number of graduates in this city this year.

  5.She work hard in order to get job ________.

  6.Soilders wear masks to _____ themselves against chemical weapons.

  7.The outsiders ______ ing into this city has created severe problems to the job market.

  8.The Iraq War and its aftermath has _____ influence to the political landscape of the Middle East.



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