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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/31 18:36  新浪考试

  C.see a film when you want to D. go to the coffee house once a week


  Last Wednesday my class went to London Zoo. It was our first journey and we were all very happy

  51Halfway (半途 ) to the zoo we stopped at a station because the driver of the bus wanted to check something.  52

  We soon forgot about the time. I was buying chips when I suddenly saw our bus leaving without us! My friend and I ran

  outside and started shouting, but it was no good  53 Fifteen minutes later I decided to call my parents  54 Our bus

  was driving into the station.  55. We were so happy!

  When we got on the bus, our teacher was angry. Luckily, she was also glad 10 see us.


  A. We waited for some time but the bus didn't return.

  B. We left early in the morning because it was a two-hour journey.

  C. All our classmates were shouting to us.

  D. Just as I was ringing, I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes!

  E. While we were waiting, my friend and I went to the shop to buy chips.



  Long ago, people sent messages in different ways. A man put his ear to the ground. He  56 the horses. They were

  coming this way .He ran to  57his people. He was a  58. That was one way to send messages.

  People in  59different countries also send messages. One man made a cloud of smoke. In the next village people saw

  the smoke and went on doing that, too. The message went from village to village by 60.

  Much  61 some soldiers (士兵 ) kept many pigeons (鸽子), these pigeons

  62flew back. If a soldier was sent far away from his own  63 ,he might take a pigeon along. He could tie a

  message to the bird's leg. It would fly back  64the soldier's message. These were slow ways to send messages. Can you

  think of  65 ways?

  56. A. saw     B. found   C. heard     D. lost

  57. A. speak     B. talk     C. say    D. tell

  58. A. runner    B. worker   C. cleaner   D. farmer


  59. A. another    B. other   C. others    D. the other

  60. A. animals    B. horses    C. people    D. smoke

  61. A. better     B. more     C. later    D. late

  62. A. sometimes  B. always    C. never    D. often

  63. A. place    B. home    C. family    D. house

  64. A. and   B. to   C. without   D. with

  65. A. farther   B. further   C. faster   D. more quickly


  The designer of Apple Computer, Steven Jobs, was not very successful (成功的) in his early year. He was not one of 66

  at school, and sometimes he got into trouble ( 惹麻烦) with his teachers. 67 he was full of new ideas. Things were still 68

  when he went up to college and he dropped out halfway (中途退学).

  Steven Jobs worked 69 as a video game designer at Atari. he worked there for only a few months and then he 70 India. He

  hoped that the trip would give him more ideas and give him 71 in life for the better.

  After he came back from 72 , he began to live on a farm in California. And then, in

  1975, Steven Jobs started 73 a new type of computer. Along with his friend Stephen Woziak , he designed the Apple I

  computer in his bedroom. He chose the name "74" because it reminded(想起 ) him of a happy summer he once spent in an orchard

  (果园 ) in Oregon.

  Today Steven Jobs has lots of factories and he is very 75 in the world.

  66. A. new classmates B. good students C. lucky farmers d. successful designer

  67.A.But B. And C. So D. Or

  68. A. very hard B. interesting C. the same D. different

  69. A then B. later C. early D. first

  70. A. moved to B. traveled to C. worked to D. studied in

  71. A.a change B. a job C. a house D . a farm

  72. A. Atari B. California C. Oregon D. India

  73. A. buying B. selling C. making D. playing

  74. A. Apple B. Steven C. Woziak D. Stephen

  75.A. happy B. famous C. naughty D. funning.

  Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby, she got very ill. After many weeks, the

  doctor said, "She is better, but she can't see and she can't hear." Her father and mother were very sad. After a few years,

  things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn't

  understand anything.

  Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was a

  very clever girl and soon learned to spell her first word. When she was older, she went to college.

  Helen was very famous. She helped many blind and deaf people. She traveled around the world and helped many people.

  Helen was a very old woman when died. The world remembers her today as a brave (勇敢) and wonderful person. She was blind

  and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.

  45. Helen Keller couldn't see and hear when she was a baby because ______.

  A. she couldn't speak to others B. she was very ill

  C. she didn't understand anything D. she hurt her eyes and ears

  46. The words "blind and deaf people" in the text means ____________.

  A. people who are very ill B. old and healthy people

  C. people who can't see or hear D. all kinds of people

  47. People remember Helen Keller today as a brave and famous woman because she found a way_________.

  A. to live in the world B. to go to college

  C. to learn about words D. to travel around


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