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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/20 17:17  燕赵都市报


  (一)1-6 ACACBC 7-12 BBABDB

  (二)1. hunger 2. gave away 3. writing down 4. to come up with 5. looks after

  (三)1-5 CADCB

  (四)One Possible version:

  A:Hei,we’ll have a holiday next week,where would you like to visit ?

  B:Oh,I’d love to go to Tibet. It is supposed to be fascinating.

  C:My God,Tibet? It is too far and I prefer the Great Wall.. It’s great!

  A:Hei,The Great Wall is too touristy on holiday. I’d love to Hongkong. It’s modern,isn’t ?

  B:Come on,If you pay for it,I’ll go with you. However,I don’t really like big cities.

  C:Me too. And I have to save money for this trip.

  A:Fine,maybe Xiangshan Park is a good idea.

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