新航道名师指点破解新英语四级新题型要诀 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/08 16:48 北京新航道学校 | |||||||||
作者:北京新航道学校 袁昊 很多同学马上就要面临新四级考试,但是对于一些老四级中未曾出现过的新题型心存恐惧。不知道如何处理。实际上,正如古人常说的“难者不会,会者不难”。只要掌握了相应的解法,新题型也只不过是纸老虎罢了。下面,针对四级班上很多同学的要求,择要谈一谈15选10题型的解法。 鉴于现在已是十二月上旬,同学们应该早进入复习的白热化阶段,所以本题型的意义
首先,本题型出现在仔细阅读部分(共25分钟),排在两篇常规阅读文章之前(每篇文章分配9分钟)。所以本题型共10道小题最佳完成时间应控制在7分钟。每道小题约40秒。记住,无论一个方法多么高明,如果不能让你在40秒内解出一道题,这种方法就毫无意义。 其次,同一个单词只用最多一次。破解本题的核心技巧是通过相同词性备选词排除,达到大幅降低难度的目的。比如,我们判断出某空应填入名词,而备选词中只有三个名词,那么我们作题的难度就从15选1突降至3选1。 最后,利用一分钟通览全文,确定填入答案无误。 本题型作题步骤如下: 一,标出15个备选词词性。 二,浏览全文,确定每个空格处应具有的词性。 三,比较相同词性的备选词,利用上下文线索,词的褒贬色彩,平行结构,单复数,时态等标准在几个备选词中选出唯一正确的。 四,完成全文后复查一遍。 我们以考试委员会公布的新四级考试样题为例,讲解一下本解法。 Section A Directions: In this section ,there is a passage with ten blanks .You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of ch0ices given in a word bank following the passage .Read the passage through carefully before making your choices .Each choice in bank is identified by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center .You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic, he knew only a few words of English .Education soon became a 47. “I couldn’t understand anything,” he said. He 48 from his teachers, came home in tears , and thought about dropping out. Then Mrs. Malave , a bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his 49 Spanish.“She helped me stay smart while teaching me English ,”he said .Given the chance to demonstrate his ability, he 50 confidence and began to succeed in school. Today, he is a 51 doctor, runs his own clinic ,and works with several hospitals .Every day ,he uses the language and academic skills he 52 through bilingual education to treat his patients. Roberto’s story is just one of 53 success stories. Research has shown that bilingual education is the most 54 way both to teach children English and ensure that they succeed academically. In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students 55 outperform their peers in monolingual programs. Calexico, Calif. , implemented bilingual education, and now has dropout rates that are less than half the state average and college 56 rates of more than 90%.In E1 Paso ,bilingual education programs have helped raise student scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 A) wonder I)hid B) acquired J)prominent C) consistently K)decent D) regained L)countless E) nightmare M)recalled F) native N)breakthrough G) acceptance O)automatically H) effective 实例讲解: 一,标出备选词词性 A) wonder n. I)hid v. B) acquired v. J)prominent adj. C) consistently adv. K)decent adj. D) regained v. L)countless adj. E) nightmare n. M)recalled v. F) native adj. N)breakthrough n. G) acceptance n. O)automatically adv. H) effective adj. 二,浏览全文,确定每个空格处应具有的词性。 三,比较相同词性的备选词,利用上下文线索,词的褒贬色彩,平行结构,单复数,时态等标准在几个备选词中选出唯一正确的。 四,完成全文后复查一遍。 例: Q47: 通过前置冠词 “a”判断本处应为名词,且可数。从下文线索“I couldn’t understand anything,”判断,本处应为贬义色彩的名词。在名词性备选词中,只有E) nightmare符合要求。 例: Q48:本处通过句子结构判断,应为谓语动词,通过平行结构可知,为过去时态,且与“came home in tears , and thought about dropping out.”并列构成贬义色彩。在动词备选词中,只有I)hid符合要求。 通过两道例题的分析,同学们应该发现本题型解法不难掌握。同学们可以利用另外八道小题练习一下本解法。本文的参考答案为: 47.E 48,I 49,F 50,D 51,J 52,B 53,L 54,H 55,C 56,G 写在后面的话: 小小四级考试,不过是一堆小技巧的总合。无论是胜是败,都不能代表各位同学生命的高度。当你被单词书折磨得疲惫不堪的时候,当你在模考后备受打击,甚至对自己失望的时候,请望望窗外吧!外面阳光灿烂,山高水长!所谓的四级,六级,考研,在明澈温暖,洞彻千年的阳光下只不过是场匆匆闹剧,犹如半空的浮尘。你想想就觉得可笑:躲在上海交大浩然高科技大楼22层的那几十个四六级考试委员会的老人家,何德何能,怎么就能把两千万考生称来掂去,然后标出每个人的成就和前途?记住袁老师的话吧,从前有一个笨学生,当他百分之七十的同学都拿A的时候,他的平均成绩是C;如果不是因为他父亲的缘故,他几乎肯定无法毕业。但是,几十年后,他成了这个世界上最有权势的人。而且我们几乎天天在电视上见到他---他叫小布什。记住,A或者C,并不是你的高度。 最后,让我对所有为了理想而奋斗不止的人们致以深深的敬意。也祝愿各位同学终能“衣青云兮白霓裳,举长矢兮射天狼!” 更多信息请访问:新浪四六级频道 |