改变思路 根据真实经历为自己重新定位 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/18 18:43 海外求学 |
经过多次咨询,古月认真地回顾了自己的人生经历,最后终于完全放弃了自己原来的思路,根据自己的真实经历为自己重新定位,重新构思了文章主题,重新安排了文章的结构。开门点题,“It is said that we learn from the mistakes of our youth. This has been particularly true in my caseas I have derived intense motivation from a youthful miscalculation.”从自己年少时组织乐队灌唱片的计划失败,谈到决定报考中专早点工作的“youthful impatience”.然后在职业中专意识到自己的错误,“I understoo
d that attending vocational school would likely rule out my attending universitystudying abroadand many other things.”这时,一位老师(也就是他这些年来一直敬仰的人生导师)及时帮助了他,“She told me that at sixteen I was still young and that in the future I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to.”“She constantly encouraged me when my spirits were low. Without herI don't know if I could have made it as she helped me in countless ways.”于是自己决心通过加倍的努力改变自己的命运,同时也有了将来做老师的最初动机。他自学了普通高中的课程,并且提前两年完成了自己职业中专的课程,“With hard workI was able to finish the schools program in two instead of the regular four years.”虽然如此,中国的现行教育体制,以及资源稀缺的现状却并不能给与他公平的机会。“Although I was moving in the right directionI had a long way to go. As a vocational school studentI wasn't able to apply directly to a Bachelor Degree program in China.”所以,就到外国语学院先读了一个“成人”大专,同时兼职做国际导游挣学费(在原文中,他使用了大篇幅描述,改动后作为自立的表现以及对比中国说英语人和Native Speakers说英语时的机会,一带而过)。之后重点阐述自己大专毕业后没有直接读本科,而是先去原先的中学任教一年的经历及自己在教学中的发现。“I developed an awareness of some of the limitations of traditional Chinese teaching methods of the English languageespecially in the area of reading.”于是想继续深造,“After my year as a teacherI opted to continue studying for my Bachelor's degree. My year as a teacher was fantasticbut I knew that I had a lot to learn.”去国外学习英语教育学是自己本科教育的延续,“My future goal is to enroll in a Master's program to explore various disciplines within the field of education. ThenI will identify one area in which to specialize and pursue my Ph.D.”到此文章圆满收尾。(作者:冯常军)
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