2006/12/23 17:50 沪江英语
作者:上海新东方学校 四、六级写作明星教师 吴泽扬 The Celebration of Western Festivals 1、现在国内不少人喜欢过西方的一些节日 2、产生这种现象的原因 3、这种现象可能带来的影响 Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize that they prefer enjoying western festivals, such as the coming X’mas. There is a general discussion today about this issue. Certainly, this is a delicious sign of diversity in the life. A lot of reasons are responsible for it. To begin with, the young men are exposed to the international minds or trends, and they are partly influenced. What’s more, the western views have been spread widely, naturally, and culturally. Moreover, nowadays people have their rights to have a taste of various cultures. In other words, they may celebrate festivals they like besides the conventional days, like the Spring Festival. Obviously, this does some effects in our life. For example, it will arouse anxiety among so-called protectors of tradition. They unnecessarily worries that the western days are to replace the Chinese convention. Personally speaking, the policy of “let it be” will do more good that harm in this field. However, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent the negative effects of both traditional and western days. 点评 该样文尽管有些不够妥帖的地方,但中心突出(段首是中心),层次分明(逻辑词的应用),语言变化多(近意表达,副词,短语,并列,被动等等),无重大语言错误。 本次作文,如大多推测,原因现象类。写法:“中心句+1、2、3”模式。即,把提纲变为因为,以中心句体现在每段第一句,后面是分支观点,第一……;第二……;第三……。所以从构思上不用费力。另外,英语四六级是外语基础考试,考查的重点是语言,所以思维是否很合理或独特无关紧要。当考生能简化其构思时,将更有利于他的文字操作。四六级,作为英语初级高考对简单但严重错误也是十分看重的,这是是否及格的一个必备条件,当考生发现难以操控语言变化时,请一定保持简单无误的语言表达,简单的构思方式,这样可以力保及格。 在用词用句上,四六级作文,不是用难句或难词拿高分的。文章讲求变化,用词用句的变化。而变化模式不一定要难。如近意表达的变化,主动句被动句的转化,副词的应用都是变化的形式。当然,从结构上讲,逻辑词的应用,如链接词,都是英文思维和结构的体现。总之,这次作文沿袭了稳健成熟的出题风格,各学员如果有稳健的基础和恰当的应试技能,就能取得不错的成绩。 新浪网四六级频道第一时间提供四六级考试真题、答案及专家点评,敬请关注! 参加四六级大讨论,欢迎来四六级论坛聊聊。 更多信息请访问:新浪四六级频道 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。