
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年02月06日 11:52  成人本科学位英语网

  91. equal, equivalent, identical, same


  equal相同的,相等的,特指“数量,价值等”相同。如:Their ages are equal.

  equivalent相等的,特指“价值,效力,意义”等相同的。如:This sentence is equivalent to that.

  identical相同的,相等的,侧重于某一细节上完全相同。如:She wore the identical dress on both occasions.

  identical相同的,相等的,侧重于某一细节上完全相同。如:She wore the identical dress on both occasion.(她在两种场合穿同样的衣服。)

  same相同的,表示在质量、类型、外表或意义上相同,而实际上有差异。如:He is of about the same age as you.

  92. imaginable, imaginary, imaginative


  imaginable可以想象得到的。如:This is the only solution imaginable.(这是惟一想得出的解决办法。)

  imaginary假想的,虚构的。如:an imaginary character in a story(故事里的虚构人物)

  imaginative富于想象力力的。如:an imaginative artist(想像力丰定的艺术家)

  93. indifferent, different

  indifferent冷漠的,不关心的,同to搭配。如:He was indifferent to his personal appearance.(他从前不注意自己的外表。)

  different跟……不一样,同from搭配。如:This book is different from that one.(这本书跟那本不一样。)

  94. industrial, industrious

  industrial工业的,产业的。如:Italy is becoming an industrial nation.(意大利逐步成为工业国。)

  industrious勤劳的,勤奋的。如:He is an industrious student.(他是个用功的学生。)

  95. influence, effect


  influence可作动词、名词,指对某人的思想行为、性格等产生影响。如:She was influenced by her middle school teachers.(她受中学时的老师影响。)

  effect用作动词意为“造成”,“产生”,用作名词强调由于影响而产生特殊效果。如:The effects of the medicine are very good.(药效很好。)

  96. intention, idea, purpose

  intention主要指个人心里产生的做某事欲望或得到某物的想法,常见的搭配是have the intention of doing something.


  Purpose意为“目的”,着重于实现目的的决心和待付出的努力。如:For what purpose do you learn English?(你学英文的目的是什么?)

  97. last, latest, final, ultimate

  last最后的,与first相对,还可指“上一次的”。如:My seat is in the last row.

  latest最近的,指时间上。如:the latest news(最新消息)

  final最后的,指在一系列的事物中是最后的,而且是结论性的,决定性的。如:The judgment has become final.(这已是最后的判断。)

  ultimate 最终的,最后的,用于正式场合,含有最高的和最有权威的结果。如:He never considered the ultimate result of his action.(他从未考虑其行为的后果。)

  98. lay, lie

  lay放,搁。如:Lay the book on the desk.(把书放在桌上。)

  lie(躺)的过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain; lie(说谎)的过去式和过去分词为lied, lied; lay作动词时的过去式和过去分词是laid, laid。

  99. literal, literary, literate

  literal文字上的,字面的。如:a literal interpretation of a passage(对一段文章的字面解释)

  literary文学的。如:literary works(文学作品)

  literary有文化的(反义词是illiterate),如:people applying for the job should be computer literate.(申请这份工作的人应会使用电脑。)

  100.manufacture, make, produce

  manufacture制造,加工,较正式,通常表示把原料经过一定程度制成产品,多指使用机器大批生产。如:This textile factory manufactures cloth of good quality.(这家纺织厂生产优质布料。)

  make做,制造,最常用词,使用较广泛。如:She can make cakes.

  Produce生产,制造,着重产品的数量。如:The chemical works produced 5,000 tons of chemical fertilizer last year.(这家


  101.much, very




  very much是much的加强语,因此,能用much的地方,都能用very much。



  102.neglect, overlook, ignore

  neglect可以是有意,也可以是无意地“忽略”或“忽视”应该做的事。如:If others neglect their duty to you, be sure that you perform yours to them. (即使他人忽略了履行对你的义务,你也要履行你对他们的义务。)

  overlook指由于粗心大意,匆忙而“看漏”或“忽略”某东西或某事实。如:His services have been overlooked by his employers.(他的工作一直没有得到雇主的重视。)

  ignore不顾,不理,常指有意地不理,不加分析地拒绝考虑。如:She saw him coming but she ignored him.

  103.happen, occur, take place


  happen是常用词,指偶然或按计划的发生。如:When did the explosion happen?(爆炸什么时候发生?)


  take place多表示情况或事情按计划发生。如:The story took place in 1917.(故事发生在1917年。)

  104.chance, opportunity, occasion

  chance多指偶然的机会,意外的机会,带有侥幸的意味。如:Even so, it was a lucky chance that he could do it.(即使如此,那也是他凭着侥幸才做到这点。)

  opportunity主要指能够去做某事,尤其是达到自己目的,实现某种愿望的好机会。如:You should make the most of your opportunities of seeing the country and learning the language.(你应该尽量利用你的机会去看看这个国家,学习它的语言。)

  occasion主要指“时机”,“场合”,也含有“机会”的意思。如:The flags are hung out on the occasion of the National Day.(每逢国庆节,国旗都悬持出来了。)

  105.persist, insist

  persist坚持,后面常接介词in。如:He persisted in carrying on his work in spite of great fatigue.(他虽然疲倦极了,可仍坚持工作。)

  insist坚持,后面接介词on,也可直接连用that引导的名词从句。如:He insisted on my going there with him. (He insisted that I should go there with him.)

  106.preserve, conserve, reserve

  preserve坚持,后面常接介词in。如:The ship is equipped with special refrigerating devices to preserve food for the whole voyage.(船上设有特殊冷藏设备,在整个航程中保存食物。)

  conserve保存,储藏,强调采取措施精心保护某物,防止不必要的浪费,损失或变化。如:He is conserving his energy for the last twenty-meter dash.(他正在为最后20米冲刺保存实力。)

  reserve留存(在资金,人力,原料等),保留(权力等)。如:Reserve enough money for your home fare.(留足你回家的路费。)

  107.probable, possible, likely

  probable很可能的,大概的,语气较possible强。如:It is probable that the cost will be greater than we think.(花费很可能比我们料想的要多。)

  possible强调客观上可能性,但常带有“实际可能性很小”的暗示。如:It’s possible, though not probable, that he will accept these terms. (他有可能接受这些条件,但希望很小。)

  likely暗示从表面迹象来判断“有可能的”。如:It is likely that he will come.(他多半会来。)

  108.purpose, goal, aim, end, object

  purpose目的,意图,比较确定,多指采取坚决的行动去达到目的。如:The tutor explained the purpose of the exercise.(导师说明了该练习的目的。)

  goal指经过仔细考虑而选中的比较大的目标,常需要努力或克服困难才能达到的目的。如:The goal of her desire is to be a singer.(她渴望成为一名歌唱家。)

  aim常指短期目标,往往比较具体,也比较实际。如:My first aim is to receive a complete and good education.(我的第一个目标是接受完整和良好的教育。)

  end目标,目的,较正式。如:My chief end is to serve my country and my people.(我的首要目标是为国为民服务。)

  object指较明确具体的单个目标,往往出于直接的需要和愿望。如:What is the object of your visit?(你访问的目的是什么?)

  109.respectable, respected, respectful, respective


  respectable可尊敬的,值得尊重的。如:His parents were poor but respectable.(他父母虽穷却令人尊敬。)


  respectful指“充满敬意的”,是主动性的尊重他人。如:The students were very respectful towards the great man.(这些学生对这位伟人十分敬仰。)

  respective表“各自分别的”,修饰名词时,名词一般用复数。如:They went back to their respective houses.(他们回了各自的家。)

  110.round, around

  round作副词时,同around意思相近,规范用法应区别动态和静态。 Round用于圆周运动或测量,around用于指遍及表面或中心附近。如:The spaceship traveled round the world in 40 minutes. They planted trees around the lawn.

  around用于指遍及表面或中心附近。如:The spaceship traveled round the world in 40 minutes. They planted trees around the lawn.

  111.rouse, arouse



  112.say, speak, talk, tell




  Tell表示告诉,有时兼含“嘱咐”,“命令”等。Tell the truth说真话,tell a lie说谎,tell a story讲故事等为固定搭配。Tell是及物动词,但其后不跟that从句。

  113.senseless, sensible, sensitive


  Sensible懂事的,明智的。如:He is a sensible child.(他是个懂事的孩子。)

  Sensitive有感觉的,敏感的。如:Eyes are very sensitive to light.(眼睛对光敏感。)

  114.shake, shiver, tremble

  shake颤抖,颤动,指任何短促而急促的摇动,有时喻指对决心,信念的动摇。如:He was shaking with fear.(他吓得发抖。) Nothing can shake our determination.(什么也动摇不了我们的决心。)    

  shiver战栗,寒战,指因寒冷,恐惧或体弱多病而引起的抖动。如:The old man stood shivering in the wind-swept street.(这位老人站在寒风凛冽的街上发抖。)

  tremble颤抖,发抖,指因寒冷、情绪变化、体弱多病而不由自主轻微地抖动。如:A poor old woman stood at the corner, trembling with age.(一位可怜的老妇人站在拐角处,因年老而不断哆嗦。)

  115.small, little

  small侧重尺度,面积,数字等,在指具体事物小时,有时有轻视,鄙视,贬低的意味,在表示不可数名词的数量时,一般说a small amount of。


  116.solve, answer, resolve

  solve解决,解答。如:He solved all the problems in the exam.(他解出了所有试题。)solve的名词为solution,一般同to搭配。如:a solution to the problem

  answer 表“回答”,后面的宾语应是questions。

  resolve表“解决”,“解答”是个正式用词。如:Have you resolved the problem yet?(你把问题解决了吗?)resolve还有“决定”,“下决心”等意思。

  117.sometimes, some time, sometime, some times


  sometimes有时。如:I sometimes play tennis.(我有时打


  some times有几次。如:I have been to the Great Wall for some times.(我去


  sometime某个时候,指过去或将来的不确定时间。如:I will buy a car sometime in the future.(将来我会买车的。)

  some time一段时间。如:I have been a teacher for some time.(我当老师已有些年头了。)

  118.submit, surrender, yield


  submit表示“甘心忍受”,作及物动词时,宾语为反身代词,但一般为不及物动词,后接介词to 。


  yield“投降”,与surrender 大致同义,但是指“温和的让步”。

  119.sway, swing


  sway一般表示物体的下端固定,上端“摇动”。如:The sailboat swayed on the stormy sea.(帆船在惊涛骇浪的大海中摇晃。)

  swing多表示物体的上端固定,下端“摆动”。如:The pendulum swings.(钟摆摆动。)

  120.army, force, troop

  army军队,着重指军队这个整体,包括陆海空三军。当与navy和air force并列使用时,则指陆军。如:We will have not only a powerful army but also a powerful air force and a powerful navy.(我们不但要有强大的陆军,而且要有强大的空军和海军。)

  force军队,部队,着重指武力,常用复数。如:Forces were sent out to stop the conflict.派出武装部队制止这场冲突。

  troop部队,着重指构成军队的士兵成员,常用复数。如:They sent the troops to the front.他们把军队派往前线。

  121.free, vacant, empty

  free空的,指清除了或缺少了某物,与of 或from连用。如:She is free from anxiety.(她无忧无虑。)She is free of him.(她摆脱了他。)

  empty空的,指里面什么东西都没有。如:The case is empty.(这是个空箱子。)

  vacant空闲的,指地方没有被占用。如:One day, man can make full use of vacant space.(将来,人们会充分利用浩瀚的天空。)

  empty,vacant和相同的名词连用时,含义不同。如an empty house指房子里既无家具也无人,空荡荡的。而a vacant house指房子没有被人占用,里面可有家具,也可无家具。

  122.pay, salary, wage

  pay薪金,泛指对付出劳动给予的报酬,不分发放对象,只用单数,尤指军队的军饷。如:They are asking for equal pay for equal work.他们要求同工同酬。

  Salary工资,指按月或年支付给脑力劳动者的工资。如:The family lives on his salary.(全家人靠他的工资生活。)

  Wage工资,指定期支付给体力劳动者或临时工的工资,常用复数。如:He works at wages of ten dollars a week.(他每周工资10美元。)

  123.cry, sob, weep

  cry哭,普通用语,常指出声地哭。如:The little girl cried herself to sleep.(小女孩哭着睡着了。)

  sob抽泣,呜咽:She sobbed herself to sleep.(她啜泣着入睡了。)

  weep哭泣,书面语,常指小声或无声地哭泣,有时可与cry通用。如:She wept at the sad news.(听到这不幸的消息,她哭了。)

  124.worth, worthless, worthwhile, worthy

  worth值……钱,值得……的。如:This house is worth a lot of money.(这房值很多钱。)The radio program is worth listening to. (这广播节目值得听。)

  worthless无价值的,无用的(可作定语和表语,无比较级)。如:These stamps are worthless.(这些邮票无价值。)Don’t read worthless books.(不要读些没用的书。)

  worthwhile值得的(可作定语和表语)。如:That is a worthwhile program.(那是一个值得听的节目。)So few movies are worthwhile nowadays.(当今有价值的电影很少。)

  worthy(1)有价值的,可尊敬的(常作定语)。如:The teacher was a worthy man.(那位老师是可尊敬的人。)(2)值得的(常作表语)。如:The man is worthy of praise.(这人值得称赞。)它的动词句式是be worthy to be done (be worth doing).

  125.zone, district, area, region, belt

  zone地带,地区,区域,指某一特定的地方或区域。如:Most of China is in the temperate zone.(中国的大部分地区在温带。)

  district区,行政区,指一国家或城市按行政区的划分。如:the economic development district(经济开放区)

  area面积,范围,一般用语,没有明确的外围界限,也可指占地面积。如:The factory covers an area of 500 mu.(这工厂占地50亩。)

  region地区,指较大范围内的区域,一般按自然条件和自身特点划分。如:an autonomous  region(自治区)

  belt地带,通常指狭长的地带。如:The northern part of the country is usually regarded as the wheat belt.(这国家的北部通常被看作小麦种植地带。)

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