
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月02日 09:43   新东方

  Integrated Task

  Q: 阅读文章和听力文章中共有几种可能的关系?

  A: There are three kinds of connections between the reading passage and the listening passage.

  a. The listening passage that challenges the points made in the reading.

  b. The listening passage that presents the reasons/ways the problem described in the reading passage is solvable or really not a problem at all.

  c. The listening passage that supports the points made in the reading.

  [OG, P252] [Workshop Manual, P41]

  目前考的都是Contrast题目(只有一次考到了Solution,但也和Contrast差不多),预计在不久的将来也不会有太大变化。根据ETS高级专员(Assessment Specialist II)Susan Hines [Dec, 2006]的说法,目前题库中还没有出过关于support的题目("Comparison is not available now."),所以建议大家主要针对contrast题目进行训练,偶尔也可以用朗文的光盘训练一下solution的写法。最有效的12个训练题目我会在课程中给大家列出来。

  Q: 阅读文章和听力文章之间一般会有几点相关联?

  A: "Typically the main idea will be developed with three points." [OG, P252]

  Q: 文章中可不可以出现自己对所谈问题的看法?

  A: "Remember that you are NOT being asked for your opinion. You ARE being asked to explain how the points in the listening relate to points in the reading." [OG, P253]

  Q: 写作的时候可不可以照搬阅读和听力中的原话?

  A: 总的来讲,照搬原文是不可以的。关键词可以不变,但是整体内容必须被paraphrase出来,特别是阅读材料里面的内容。

  "In English-speaking countries, you must follow the rules for citing when you use the same words of the original speaker or author. If you do not do this, it is considered a form of intellectual stealing, called plagiarism. While this may be accepted in some cultures, it is not acceptable in most English-speaking academic settings. Therefore, paraphrasing skills are important to learn." [TOEFL iBT Tips, P29]

  "Restatement and paraphrasing is, of course, needed." [Susan Hines, Dec., 2006]

  Q: 5分和4分的区别在哪里?

  A: "A response that scores at level 4 has many of the characteristics of a 5, but it does not reflect the content of the listening passage as accurately." [Workshop Manual, P45]

  Q: 高分(5分、4分)和3分的区别在哪里?

  A: "The response may omit one major key point made in the lecture." [Workbook, P7]

  "Response generally cannot receive a score higher than 3 if they do not address all three points and usually need to address two of the points of contrast." [Workbook, P11]

  "Responses that earn a score of 3 respond to the prompt, but they are vaguer than either 4 or 5 responses. Some details might be incorrect or altogether missing and inaccuracies increase. This combination may cause the reader to be slightly confused." [Workshop Manual, P46]

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