(1) 抓关键句。一般篇章类听力,篇幅较长,听的时候一定要学会准确提取有用的信息,如原因目的、结果、数字、开头和结尾部分等。
视频:新东方名师第一时间点评四六级考试 媒体来源:新浪教育“because they think they have seen a monster” “To prevent such tragedies, fire fighter Eric Velez gives talks to children in his community, explaining that they should never hide during a fire。” “But it’s a fact that informative speaking saves lives。” “Pete Gentry in North Carolina rescued his brother who is choking on food,” “In addition to saving lives,”
(2) 抓住细节,但无需执着于细节。
本文的题目每题都设置了很多细节干扰项。如果太过执着于细节,如frightened by smoke and noise ;Eric Velez learnt Spanish from his immigrant parents 就会使得做题时容易被细节分心,从而无法立即准确地判断和加以选择。
fire fighters 消防队员 monster怪兽、怪物 heartbreaks 伤心事 catch a glimpse of 瞥见 masked戴面具的 oxygen mask 氧气面罩 informative 教育性的,有益的
26. D) They mistake the firefighters for monsters。
解析:细节题,从开始when children catch a glimpse of the masked fire fighter but hide because they think they have seen a monster一句中便可得出因为不熟悉消防人员戴面具的形象,孩子们以为来救援的消防人员是怪兽,所以躲起来。所以选D。其他选项文中都没有涉及到。
27. B) He often teaches children what to do during a fire。
解析:本篇文章大篇幅讲的是Eric Velez给社区里的孩子讲解消防知识,让他们熟悉消防人员及消防工具的过程。选项A,put out fire虽然是Eric Velez的工作,但是本文重点不是在其消防员救活这个工作上,C、D选项很容易就可以排除。所以选B。
28. A) He saved the life of his brother choking on food。
解析:细节题,从Pete Gentry in North Carolina rescued his brother who is choking on food一句便可得出答案,文章中关于Pete Gentry的主要信息就是他救了噎着食物的弟弟。所以选A。做题时一定要把人名及其所做的事准确对应起来。
29. D) Informative speeches can save lives。
Passage Two
本篇听力讲述的是截然不同的两种生活态度,一种是“make and save a lot of money in order to retire early”,另一种则是“live only for today”,作者在陈述两种不同态度之后,针对两种态度给出了自己的看法“it's better to pick the spend-all approach”。本篇听力不是太难,没有较难的词汇,虽然有几个需要注意的句式,如:“At the other extreme are people who live only for today. Why bother saving… ”等,但是通过上下文也是不难理解的,而且结构也比较清楚,基本上可以分为三部分:两种不同的态度和作者的观点,所考察的三道题也上针对了这三个主要的点。由此可见,听听力的时候依然首先要从全文来把握,把握文章的要点,在把握要点的基础上,有重点的去听一些细节,如与要点相关的原因和后果,以及作者本人对这些事情的看法,遇到与此相关的信号词或者关键词时就一定要注意重点记忆。
30. C) To make money for early retirement。
解析:本题考察原因,问为什么人们喜欢比较苛求但收入较高的工作,其实听力一开始就用in order to 给出了原因,即:retire early,所以选C项。
31. A) They may have to continue to work in old age。
解析:本题考察后果,问只为当下而活的人面临着什么危险,从“The earlier neglect of saving, however, makes it difficult not to work when you are older。”中可以看出A是正确选项,及在年老时有可能不得不继续工作。
32. B) Enjoying yourself while you can。
解析:本课考察文章作者的态度,从 “Postponing doing what you love and being with people you love until retirement can be a mistake。”中可以看出,作者认为想等到退休后再做自己想做的事情以及和自己喜欢的人在一起可能是一种错误,所以选B,即趁着自己还可以的时候要懂得享受生活。
Passage Three
第二段记叙一个发生在Graben Gore 饭店的故事,关键句:A new sign in the window told the story. “No more than two students at a time”;
Section C
36. preserve
37. appreciate
38. households
39. chat
40. convenient
41. rates
42. receive
43. submit
44. They are also sharing information about concerts and sports events, as well as jokes and their philosophies of life。
45. A hand-written note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts。
46. This writing practice brings rewards that can’t be seen in bank accounts