

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月29日 14:36   新浪教育微博



  Variously described by the international fashion industry as, "rising stars" and "the luxury brand in the making", Chris Liu and Tibor Matyas initially met while working at the legendary British brand Burberry Prorsum. Combining Chinese and Hungarian backgrounds and with years of experience in innovative UK education, as well as in fashion and marketing the two decided to launch the Chris and Tibor brand. From collaborations with a variety of world class designers to winning international awards for business excellence the brand continues to go from strength to strength。

  Chris and Tibor’s concept and inspiration is unique and comes from the UK and more specifically London. It embodies the vibrancy of the city with individual designs being named after iconic streets, areas or figures, combining the historical nature of the capital with the stylish internationalism and futuristic modernity of the city。





  1. 两位嘉宾的个人背景、教育(微博)经历、移居英国的缘由及其卓越的创造力。

  2. 两位嘉宾的相遇经历,品牌的背后的影响因素,以及他们针对品牌发展过程的看法与见解。

  3. 克里斯&蒂博尔品牌的未来定位,克里斯和蒂博尔的未来发展方向。例如:克里斯将成为伦敦时装学院的客座讲师,品牌的扩大目标等。

  Smart talk will focus on the international nature of the brand, both Chris and Tibor’s international background, UK education and what influenced them in creating a brand with such a distinct UK flavour。

  Topics will include:

  • The speakers' own personal backgrounds and what initially motivated them to move to the UK, both in terms of education and creative excellence。

  • A focus on how the collaboration came together, what the key influences behind Chris and Tibor are and how they see it developing。

  • The development of Chris and Tibor as an international brand。

  • Chris’ involvement in the London College of Fashion and expansion of the brand。




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