

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月29日 14:52   新浪教育微博


  Introduction of Mark Beaumont






  A graduate of Glasgow University, Mark has always been interested in adventure from a young age; he cycled the width of Scotland in his first year of secondary school, and then as a teenager cycled from the very north of Scotland to the southerly tip of England, a distance of 1000 miles. Then he embarked on his round the world adventure at the age of 25.

  In the space of just 3 years Mark took on two incredible challenges, the first began in 2007 when Mark cycled around the world. His global trek began and ended in Paris, crossing Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia, Australasia and North America. He shattered the previous world record by an outstanding 82 days, not an easy feat considering the whole journey was filmed by Mark himself, which meant carrying all the filming equipment as well as his own luggage。

  In 2010 Mark completed his second challenge, by cycling the length of the Americas, as well as scaling the highest mountain peaks on each continent in one climbing season – something never before attempted. This expedition saw Mark ride up to 100 miles a day through the cold of Alaska to the high Andes of Central America and through the deserts of Chile。

  Mark’s latest adventure saw him join a team of adventurers who rowed to the 1996 location of the Magnetic North Pole. Mark took on the challenge despite having had little previous rowing experience. This expedition was not simply about being the first rowing boat to have been this far north in Canada; it also had the important purpose of highlighting the dramatic climatic changes that have been going on in the polar region。

  In 2008 Mark was named ‘Graduate of the Year’ by Glasgow University, and in 2010 won the ‘Top Scot’ award at the prestigious Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Awards. His adventures have been televised by the BBC and publish in a book under the title ‘The Man Who Cycled The World’ and ‘The Man Who Cycled The Americas’. At the beginning of next year, Mark will again take to the seas in an attempt to cross the Atlantic Ocean in under 30 days。



  尽管得忍受脱水、食物中毒、严寒和以及酷热的极端气候、甚至是野生动物的突袭,博蒙特从未停止他不断挑战自我极限、改写世界探险记录的步伐。是什么激发了他不断探索向探险之旅发起挑战,并执著地坚持这种人生梦想? 又是什么促使他克服重重困难征服探险目标的背后动力,完成一个又一个看似不可思议的壮举?如何克服旅途之中不期而遇的困难,又怎样化解生存危机的风险?他将会如何描绘未来令人激动的探险蓝图?在“智慧课堂”,观众和探险爱好者们将和知名当代英国探险达人一起,探讨人类关于探险和自我挑战的课题。

  Having endured dehydration, food poisoning, bitingly cold temperatures, blistering heat and encounters with wildlife, nothing has stopped Mark in his record-breaking adventures. Through Smart Talk, Mark will share his stories of his expeditions, where he finds the inspiration to take on these challenges, what drives him to reach his goals and what he has his sights on for the next adventure. Mark will also discuss how he overcomes the difficulties he faces in preparing and planning for his projects and the sometimes life-threatening risks he has to deal with。




更多关于 探险 探险达人 公开课 智慧课堂 英国教育 的新闻

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