

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月29日 15:37   新浪教育微博

  Introduction of Mark Dytham



  2008年,由英国皇家艺术学院毕业的马克•戴萨姆及其校友阿斯特丽德•克莱恩(Astrid Klein)创立的Klein-Dytham建筑事务所在英国商业奖中获得了著名的创新奖,该奖项一直以来旨在表彰能够使用绝妙创意和不断创新而取得突破性成功的公司。



  Known for his ultramodern work, Mark’s modernist architectural style combines both Eastern and Western elements. Soon after he graduated Mark set up his own company with fellow Royal College of Art graduate Astrid Klein, called Klein-Dytham architecture. Klein-Dytham’s work is diverse and wide ranging, from designing the flagship store for Uniqlo in Tokyo’s Ginza shopping district, refitting Selfridge’s Wonder Room on London’s Oxford Street, to creating Sony’s new-concept store in Los Angeles。

  In 2008, Klein-Dytham Architecture was commended by the British Business Awards, receiving the prestigious Innovation Award. The award recognises companies that have creatively used innovation to achieve success。

  Mark’s work not only encompasses architecture and interior design, he is also the founder of SuperDeluxe and PechaKucha. SuperDeluxe was founded in 2002 and is a creative space for independent artists to exhibit and display their works. The idea of such a space stemmed from Mark and Astrid’s time at the Royal College where students from different disciplines, including fashion, painting, sculpture, glass, ceramics and film making would mingle and share ideas, creating a truly eclectic environment. SuperDeluxe provides a platform and cross-over space for nightly performances covering all types of art and expression. SuperDeluxe is also the birthplace of Mark and Astrid’s global creative presentation phenomenon – PechaKucha。

  PechaKucha, meaning chit-chat in Japanese, is a rapid fire presentation technique, designed to avoid the all too common occurrence of ‘death by Powerpoint’. Speakers are given just 6 minutes and 40 seconds to present, with 20 slides each shown for 20 seconds. PechaKucha often take place as part of an evening of presentations known as a PechaKucha night (PKN). The idea is to create a space where people can get together and share their ideas. From starting in their office space in Tokyo in 2003, PechaKucha has now gone global, reaching over 230 cities worldwide。




  Mark will talk about the creative hot-house that inspires his office and Klein Dytham architecture's recent work, which includes projects for Google Japan, Sony, Shiseido and Tsutaya, Japan’s largest media rental and bookstore chain. He will discuss his design process, taking us through how his ideas go from paper to reality. Mark will also focus on the global phenomenon of PechaKucha and his own office creative forum of SuperDeluxe。



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