

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月06日 14:44   新浪教育微博

  Introduction of Fran Jones


  弗兰•琼斯 于2003年加入托特纳姆热刺队,主管俱乐部所有在英国以外的国际开发事务,同时也负责俱乐部日常商业合作项目。之前他曾在俱乐部担任其他职务包括传播与营销等。在加入托特纳姆热刺之前,Fran Jones曾为体育经纪公司IMG和Athole Still International (ASI)工作,其客户包括前英格兰国家足球队教练斯文•埃里克松、英国著名赛艇奥运冠军Steve Redgrave和Matthew Pinsent爵士。

  Fran Jones joined Tottenham Hotspur in 2003. Fran is responsible for the Club's International Development, overseeing all activity outside of the UK. Fran also has responsibility for the day to day management of the Club's commercial partnerships programme. He has previously held several roles at the Club including positions in communications and marketing。

  Fran joined Tottenham Hotspur from Athole Still International (ASI), the athlete management company with clients such as Sven Goran Eriksson, Sir Steve Redgrave and Sir Matthew Pinsent. Prior to ASI, Fran was with sports marketing agency IMG. A lifelong Spurs supporter, Fran is 35, married and lives in north London。




  Fran Jones, Head of International Development at Premier League title contenders Tottenham Hotspur joins us to discuss sports marketing and management, as well as exploring the boundaries between sport and the community。

  Modern sports are no longer just about what is happening on the pitch or track. Teams, clubs and even leagues are now huge global institutions, with international reach and millions of fans world wide。

  As well as being big business, the international popularity of sports presents a unique opportunity to develop community involvement and to contribute to a number of educational and other CSR programmes. What can sports give back to the community though? Are these real projects or thinly veiled marketing opportunities?





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