

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月06日 14:51   新浪教育微博

  费卡林 八方环球体育管理公司 足球运营总监


  Phil Carling, Managing Director Football, Octagon Worldwide

  A highly respected figure in the sports marketing industry, Phil combines specialist knowledge of football with a deep understanding of media and brand communications. His unique skills, insights and perspectives have been developed through nearly two decades at the highest level of the sport business。

  As a former Commercial Director of Arsenal Football Club and The Football Association, Phil has held senior positions at clubs, federations and agencies and has worked with leading sponsors, broadcasters and brands. Utilising his highly developed management and communication skills, he currently runs Octagon’s Worldwide Football Consultancy Practice and has organised effective teams for commercialising and managing sports rights at elite level, working across geographies and diverse business cultures。




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