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·TOFEL范文 舞蹈在文化中重要的作用
·How long did it take you to get in today?
·Have you got any tips?
·Are you free for a quick get-together today?
·Where are we on the agenda?
·Surf your way into a new job
·Is your CV up to date?
·How can I get hold of you later on
·There's no harm in trying
·People are now returning to the skies
·I could do with a change
·How to get into this computer?
·He's calling around 11:30 our time
·This is getting a bit urgent
·ETS® TOPE职业英语考试首次在华举行
·Sentence Mix - At a restaurant
·准白领遭遇外企实习期 英语口语临阵磨枪DIY
·Do You Have the Time?
·Behind These Words

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