
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 15:31   北文图书


  1. 英语中不定代词很多,主要有:

  1)both, either, neither

  2)all, every, everybody, everyone, everything, each;

  3)one, everyone, someone, anyone, no one, none, no, nobody, nothing;

  4)some, any, somebody, anybody, something, anything;

  5)little, few, much, many;

  6)other, another。


  小贴士:every, no只能作定语。作定语时,有些词典把它们标作形容词,有些标作限定词。

  2. both, neither和either:



  Both(of them)are good. (它们)两个都很好。

  Neither(of the answers)is correct. 两个(回答)都不对。

  Either(of the words)will do. 两个(词)都可以用。


  I’ll have both. 两者我都要。

  I’ll have neither. 两者我都不要。

  I don’t agree with either of you. 你们两人的话我都不同意。


  Both seats are taken. 两个座位都有人坐了。

  Neither seat is good. 两个座位都不好。

  Either seat will do. 两个座位随便哪个都行。


  They both agreed to stay. 他们两人都同意留下。


  I. 在下面句子中不定代词下划线:

  1. Both of them want to go.

  2. I’ll take both.

  3. We both like sweets.

  4. Both came forward to introduce themselves.

  5. Neither of us said anything.

  6. I agreed with neither of them.

  7. Neither woman spoke.

  8. Both skirts are too small, so I can’t wear either of them.

  9. I’ll not trouble either of you again.

  10. Have either of you seen Jessica?

  11. You may have either one.

  12. There are houses on either side of the road.

  II. 把下面句子译为汉语:

  1. Both of them are from Harbin.

  2. Sit on either chair.

  3. I am proud of you both (both of you).

  4. Hold the dish with both hands.

  5. I agree with neither of you.

  6. She has loved either of them.

  7. He was not pleased with either of the paintings.

  8. There is a chair on either side of the door.

  9. Why not use both?

  10. For several minutes neither of us spoke.


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