
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 15:31   北文图书


  1. every只能用作定语,有些字典标作形容词,有些字典标作限定词,表示“每一个”:

  Every story in the book is interesting. 这书里每个故事都有趣。

  He gets up early every day. 他每天都起来很早。

  Every room is clean and tidy. 每个房间都很整洁。


  The paper comes out every two weeks. 这份报两周出一次。

  Elections are held every four years. 选举四年举行一次。

  2. every可构成合成代词,在句中用作:


  I hope everybody does well in the exam. 我希望每个人都考得好。

  Everyone likes the book. 每个人都喜欢这本书。

  Everything goes well. 一切顺利。


  You can’t please everybody. 你不能让人人都高兴。

  He gets on well with everyone. 他和每个人都相处得很好。

  To know everything is to know nothing. (谚语)样样都懂,样样稀松。


  Money isn’t everything. 金钱不是一切。

  Silence, everybody! 大家安静!

  Good night, everybody. 大家再见。

  Hurry up, everyone. 大家赶快。

  Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. (谚语)人人都管等于没人管。


  I. 把句子译为汉语:

  1. Every day something pleasant happened.

  2. Every hour the phone rang.

  3. Every afternoon we went to the dock.

  4. Every time I went there, I saw them singing together.

  5. The Games were held every four years.

  6. There are buses to the station, every ten minutes.

  7. I go there every three days.

  8. We meet every other week.

  9. She comes here every third day.

  10. He is on the air every Saturday.

  II. 在下面句子中的不定代词下划线:

  1. Everybody wanted to watch the match.

  2. How is everybody at home?

  3. Silence, everybody!

  4. Everyone sang and danced in the room.

  5. Everyone but Helen laughed.

  6. He told everyone that he liked the idea.

  7. Soon everything was ready.

  8. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.

  9. Thank you for everything.

  10. How is everything at home?

  11. She must know everything.

  12. He could not read or write and everyone cheated him.


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