
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 15:31   北文图书


  1. each, 也是“每一个”的意思,把一些东西或人一个个加以考虑时可以用它,在句中可用作:


  Each of us has something to say. 我们每个人都有些话要说。

  Each(of them)can only speak for five minutes. 每人只能讲五分钟。


  He gave two books to each(of us). 他给了(我们)每个人两本书。

  A dictionary was presented to each of the teachers. 送给每位老师一本字典。


  We each had a brush. 我们每人有一把刷子。

  Give them five pieces each. 给他们每人五片。


  Each student has a student card. 每个学生有一张学生证。

  Each speaker can talk for five minutes. 每个发言的人可以讲五分钟。

  2. one:


  Which girl did you give it to? —The one with glasses on.


  Who has got a raincoat? —I’ve got one.



  Your question is a good one. 你问的问题很好。

  The larger ones are more expensive. 大的贵一些。


  He is not one to bow before difficulties. 他不是一个向困难低头的人。

  Modesty helps one to go forward. 虚心使人进步。


  I. 把下面句子译为汉语:

  1. Each of these aircraft cost around $20 million.

  2. Here is a flashlight for each of you.

  3. Tom poured us each a glass of wine.

  4. We handed each kid a balloon.

  5. Each of the answers is worth ten points.

  6. “Red or blue?” “I’ll take one of each, please.”

  7. We each have our own car.

  8. Each student has been given their own email address.

  9. Each(one)of the houses was slightly different.

  10. Each large town has its own concert hall.

  II. 把下面句子译为汉语:

  1. I’ll buy you one.

  2. It’s one of the largest cities in Australia.

  3. The film is not as good as the one we saw last week.

  4. Do you need a pen? —No, thanks. I’ve got one.

  5. One should constantly think of one’s weaknesses.

  6. I don’t like coloured envelopes. I like white ones.

  7. One must be careful when crossing the road.

  8. She gave me two big ones.

  9. One can fly to America in five hours.

  10. You can try to choose one you really want.

  11. He is the one who’s going to take care of the work.

  12. One of the girls brought her sister.


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